Tennant Creek Fossicking Area Rejuvinated

Prospecting Australia

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Its no gimmick, they took some loaders and graders, and leveled 6 hectres of land, just took the top off. One local guy has been removeing rubbish, he reckons hes got about 25% of the steel that has come off the tracks, buckets and blades. There have been some nice finds since the working, it is going to be an annual thing too, clear 4 to hectres a year , purly for fossickers.
Good to know, but remember if you get caught by the Federal Police Gold Squad fossicking/detecting in a declared goldfield outside the designated area they will confiscate everything down to the shirt on your back. At least that was the case when I was there in '92.
Not sure how many federal police gold squad members are at the tennant creek station..... :D
In that case so do I.
Anyway, the designated fossicking area, s are huge. I spent 2 days recently at a proposed fossicking area, and saw about 3% of it.
only downside is, as well as grading, they ripped it, which actually makes it pretty difficult going.