Spare a Thought for Tibbooburra..Very Hot..

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Jul 9, 2015
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I have a job coming up located around Tibooburra in the near future, planned to take the detector as well. I can only hope the weather is kind then, those temps are scary.
Temperature is the worst part mate my mate went up.there 2 months ago and said the Flies were that bad he couldn't see where he was walking, even with a fly net on. Any way let us all now how it Pans out for you. :goldnugget:
Wishfull said:
Temperature is the worst part mate my mate went up.there 2 months ago and said the Flies were that bad he couldn't see where he was walking, even with a fly net on.

I've also heard you need to take an air commpressor to blow the flies from your air filter. The build up of flies literally stopped a Hilux dead in its tracks.
I don't miss it , family had couple stations up there for years but i lived back at willcania i must say but nice in winter now were only have 1 left between mt hope and hillston now im semi retired from running family interests and working local gov , : i can pick and choose when i can go there bring on winter can,t wait :goldnugget: :goldnugget:
Good day Jack..Hope you are well..No not up your way, just thought I would post the temperature up there for the people who dont realise how hot it gets up there..Temperature this year is looking very hot..Ive got a little spot up there Im Keen to have a look at though..after Easter I think..Off to the West in June , with Frank , David ,Paul..You have met all those guys when we have dropped in for coffee before..Keep out of trouble and will see you around May..
Fish are on at the moment..
Baldy said:
Good day Jack..Hope you are well..No not up your way, just thought I would post the temperature up there for the people who dont realise how hot it gets up there..Temperature this year is looking very hot..Ive got a little spot up there Im Keen to have a look at though..after Easter I think..Off to the West in June , with Frank , David ,Paul..You have met all those guys when we have dropped in for coffee before..Keep out of trouble and will see you around May..

Hi Graham ' all's good out here in the oven :sunny:

I thought you could have been up there as I remember where you & Barry went a few January's ago !
Say hello to the boys for me & see you in May .

PS ~ Great looking fish , that's the life :Y: