some people are just grubs

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Greg Anderson
May 21, 2013
Reaction score
Canberra, ACT
Hey guys. Just read this story about this poor bugger and it made me a little sick inside.
I dont normally do this sort of thing but I thought id share the story here.
we seem to have a good group of people on this forum stretching from the east to west coast and hopefully someone might spot his vehicle or know something and are able to help.
Cheers Greg
:eek: :mad: what a lowlife to do that to this couple - hopefully someone spots the vehicle :mad: :mad: :mad:

What goes around comes around.
Shame that this has happened. Scumbags are everywhere unfortunately.
Brad... :( :mad:
Yep, they are out there.
I have heard of three 80 series Land cruisers that have been stolen in Sydney's west recently. ll turboed either factory or aftermarket.
I hope he gets it back but somehow I don't like his chances.
As for the insurance, if he has any, it won't cover the replacement of the vehicle by a long shot.
It's such a shame that ppl do things like this to ppl most cases they drain the fuel unbolt all the good stuff and dump em out the bush. Most cases the pricks already have everything they need. Hope they feel real proud of them selfs now they know who used to own it' just a poor bugger on his last adventure. If I still had mine id loan it to him for the trip.
Yep, it was found completely burnt out, everything lost. Fortunately a 4x4 magazine has donated another cruiser kitted out for their last adventure. I say bring back stocks in public places for those responsible. :mad:
Im not one for violence but I hope they catch this turd and tow him back to Morphet vale behind the car. More than likely some kids hooning in the cruiser and end up stuffing it completely or leaving it in the bottom of a river they could not cross..
Although its great the cars getting replaced, no one can replace the valuable lost time they could have spent on the road.
Hope they catch the grub and he gets what hes got comming.
Thieving mongrel dogs, i'd like to think im not a violent man, i'd leave that up to my blow torch, sledge hammer, and the local inch ant nest.
3 cheers for 4wd action mag for setting them up another buggy for their trip......... AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE, OI OI OI....... :D

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