Snake Catching.

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 9, 2019
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It's weird you know, ever since I lost my job at parks and conservation, I have caught more snakes than I ever had to while I was there.

I've caught three at work in the last few months, all Eastern browns. Looks like they are all seeking shelter from the heat.

This little fellow was sitting next to the foot of one of our knife-making students on Thursday, the second time it had been spotted in as many days. Even the grinding, heavy boots and power hammers didn't scare it out of the workshop. Mind you, it was 45 degrees in there most of the day. It would take a lot to get me to go back out in the sun.

All three snakes were released a distance away from the buildings in river habitat where they will be OK.

Disclaimer: Please do not attempt this unless you are trained. (I am).

Eastern Brown snakes, are among the deadliest of the venomous snakes in the world. All it takes is one bite to kill a grown adult.


Bugger that for a game of soldiers,you are braver than me,well done for releasing them though.not seen one yet in Perth,and I don't wanna.England was safe everything can kill you over here.
East hull lad said:
Bugger that for a game of soldiers,you are braver than me,well done for releasing them though.not seen one yet in Perth,and I don't wanna.England was safe everything can kill you over here.

My daughter had 3 big Western Browns visit her yard in Northam in a week in December (these are the western version of the eastern brown). Northam is approx. 100km east of Perth in the Avon Valley.
It is rare to find these snakes down on the coastal plain, but they do exist. Tiger Snakes are the biggest risk here as they are very common over most of the southern half of WA & can be very aggressive. Don't be careless with Dugites tho. They are a bit more relaxed but still very venomous, & very common.
We have a few poisonous snakes. A good guide here (select state & region from the title bar on the page) :skull:
Ded Driver said:
East hull lad said:
Bugger that for a game of soldiers,you are braver than me,well done for releasing them though.not seen one yet in Perth,and I don't wanna.England was safe everything can kill you over here.

My daughter had 3 big Western Browns visit her yard in Northam in a week in December (these are the western version of the eastern brown). Northam is approx. 100km east of Perth in the Avon Valley.
It is rare to find these snakes down on the coastal plain, but they do exist. Tiger Snakes are the biggest risk here as they are very common over most of the southern half of WA & can be very aggressive. Don't be careless with Dugites tho. They are a bit more relaxed but still very venomous, & very common.
We have a few poisonous snakes. A good guide here (select state & region from the title bar on the page) :skull:
Thanks ded driver just had a look at the link,scared me even more :D I'm gonna stop going out.i reckon I've come to the wrong country as none of this was in the brochure :D
East hull lad said:
Ded Driver said:
East hull lad said:
Bugger that for a game of soldiers,you are braver than me,well done for releasing them though.not seen one yet in Perth,and I don't wanna.England was safe everything can kill you over here.
Thanks ded driver just had a look at the link,scared me even more :D I'm gonna stop going out.i reckon I've come to the wrong country as none of this was in the brochure :D

your welcome East Hull. only too happy to share info on our precious pets
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :playful: :skull:
Its weird, Australia.
I have lived in the NT since about 2000, fished from the banks of rivers, prospected in the scrub, been shooting pigs and geese out bush.....only seen a very few snakes , a couple of king browns (rare now since the cane toads made it Darwin) an occasional western brown, a lone death adder, a big one though, and plenty of keel backs and water python's, but no where near as many snakes as I saw down south.
I think snakes are more common in the dark hours up here, not much difference in air temp, but they don't seem to like direct sun.
You have to be in awe of snakes especially venomous one's :skull: the fact that something so small can pack such a punch gets my respect.

I had two in my backyard when the weather was warning up late last year and the way they move (view video) my eyes found it hard to focus on them as they slithered away,incredible.

They are no problem if left alone as advised and trying to catch one won't end well Snake 1 - Human 0 :poop:
The Big Smo said:
You have to be in awe of snakes especially venomous one's :skull: the fact that something so small can pack such a punch gets my respect.

I had two in my backyard when the weather was warning up late last year and the way they move (view video) my eyes found it hard to focus on them as they slithered away,incredible.

They are no problem if left alone as advised and trying to catch one won't end well Snake 1 - Human 0 :poop:

Don't forget the Sydney Funnel Web Spider. ya definitely don't want 1 of these !@#$% in your boot.
I seen a documentary last year that showed a Qld variety that lives under the bark on trees & its venom is said to be even more potent!
:100: :poop: :skull:
East hull lad said:
Thanks mate,not seen one of them before,I thought it was one of them devil things.
Ya crack me up ehl :lol: :lol:
Those devil things live in tassie and ya definitely wouldnt want one wrapped around ya thumb lmfao
It must be a bit of a worry for you but, having probably watched to many David Attenborough, deadly 60 doco,s about all the venomous snakes, spiders, man eating croc,s and sharks , blue ring octopus, box jelly fish, Stone fish and all the other venomous and dangerous animals that also call Australia home and if I didnt know better it would scare the shite out of me also. 8.(
You will eventually get a huntsman on the outside of your window or sitting in the corner of your ceiling one day but dont freak out there harmless :Y: they do look scary when they rear up on their back legs :eek: its all bluff :Y:
And always keep your eyes peeled when walking out bush, long grass and around creeks and rivers and always make plenty of noise when walking in theses type of places as an encounter with a snake is always a possibility! :perfect:
Imagine if they did put all that in the brochures, the place would be deserted ! Mmm now thats got me thinking??? ]:D
East hull lad said:
Eh up licking windows,my list of stuff to avoid is getting longer by the day mate,went to serpentine falls a few weeks back and I got bit or stung by a March fly thing,Jesus I thought I'd been shot by a bloody sniper,it hurt.never going there again.
We used to catch them as kids and stick a long bit of grass up their ase and watch them fly away . :lol: :lol:
Tru blue mate :lol: :Y:
East hull lad said:
Eh up licking windows,my list of stuff to avoid is getting longer by the day mate,went to serpentine falls a few weeks back and I got bit or stung by a March fly thing,Jesus I thought I'd been shot by a bloody sniper,it hurt.never going there again.
:lol: :lol: :lol: your a crack up no doubt about it :playful:
Wait till you go to a beach thats got sand flies or midges as there called up north. F#&@ing terrible bloody things :N:
You might get bitten dozens of times and then the itching starts with relentless scratching for days! :N:
I remember coping it at a place called port Welshpool in Victoria and the itching was that bad I was using a kitchen fork to scratch with! Not fun