Slow night last night

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 2, 2014
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So I hit up a local highschool I have detected before, managed around $5 for the 45 min which is pretty rough,
On the way home I thought I'd stop off at the playground and my daughters school and bam within 10min had a total of $11.50 and an assortment of school bag zips!
By best haul of modern coins to date, using a cheap detector tho so I basically dig most targets
Yes, things have been slow going lately, I came home from the beach the other night with not a single coin for my efforts, just lots of rubbish. So many detectorists in my area now, most parks have been cleaned out by people with more advanced machines. Bring on winter, the beaches need a stripping for a fresh start. :)
Yeah same around here Goldpick, 2-3 years ago never seen anyone else detecting now in those same parks I see people all the time. I am now changing where I detect.
We must keep 1 step ahead of everyone else...more research = more results... We can do it team, I'm heading back to the high school in around 30 mins so will check back in and let you all know how I get on.
Got 35 coins in a small 8x8M patch, no Goldie's tho :( all 20c 10c and 5c...mostly 5c tho, a Malaysian coin and what looks like a Japanese coin, not sure yet but Google will help me there, so much ground to cover here tho, I recon there's got to be atleast $1000 in 5c coins alone on the grounds! Almost like the students just chuck them away in the grass after buying a sausage roll from the tuck shop..