SinHof and the CTX3030.

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Hi Danny,
Likewise, I run in manual sensitivity and adjust as required on the beaches; problem yesterday, I forgot to re program the 3030 into auto sensitivity which was making life a tad difficult to separate out targets. Must have had my mind elswhere, I thought at the time it was strange that the threshod was for the most part blanked out, thinking all the time it was junk targets causing the problem, lesson learned!!!!!!!!!! won't get caught out again on that score, do your pre-flight checks before you start detecting I'm saying to myself. Spent a bit of time and carefully rebuilt the Itilain made Versus sun glasses, they came back together rather well considering they had been run over by a vehicle, they were still sitting in the tyre marks when I picked them up, they look pretty cool.
Thanks for the comment Smoky B.
That reminds me , I found a pair of sunnies last night but of the female variety, wife loves them . Going Back on thresholds . If you were getting massive breaks in threshold , dig!!! . It tends to indicate what's around , perhaps at the edge of the ctx depth range.

Thanks for the info Danny, I'm fairly certain the 25 sensitivity was causing most of the threshold issues it was just too constant, almost as if the threshold was turned down apart from the odd burst of threshold tone, I should have tumbled to the problem earlier. Will probably get motivated enough to drive out there later this afternoon when the temp drops a little, will also take the two smaller coils if the junk targets are too dense for the 17" coil.
Cheers, SinHof.
Yeah I tend to choose manual or auto if it allows , either one to give me as much sensitivity without the threshold issues . If you have tha 10x5 and want to slow grid the area I'm sure you will have some exciting finds to post tomorrow!

Evening Folks,
Decided to have a last minute dash back out to yesterday's location and have a twilight swing with the 3030 sensitivity in auto rather than manual 25 like yesterday. Started off with the 17" coil but the junk targets were still too thick in a lot of the area, so back to the car and a quick change to the standard 11" coil.
A lot better but still problem areas, started out with my 50 cent and goldie mode and pulled a couple more decimals, goldies, walked over an area that seemed to be fairly clear of junk targets; changed settings to my custom general mode and bingo my first silver thrip for 2017, not long after a second thrip popped out of the hole; unfortunatly the 1921 thrip took a fine scrape from my digging tool, bugger, the 1911 came out unscathed. It would be a fair bet that this area could be holding/hiding some other PD's and certainly well worth further investigation, you bet ya!!!!!!!!!
Cheers, SinHof.
Thanks guys, will certainly be spending a bit more time on the area.
Cheers, SinHof.
Hi Folks,
Had a tip-off for a spot to check out today, Hit the ground running in thirty+ something degree heat, a bloke has to be off his head out in the open swinging a detector in that sort of heat, must have something to do with the thrill of the hunt. As it turned out the location was a complete duffer, picked up a $1 sunbaker.
Moved to another spot with a bit of shade for an hour or so and picked up $9 in goldies and six PD's, a nice surprise. The interesting find from the hunt was a rather heavy silver coloured pendant in the shape of a bunch of grapes, It's not lead silver plated and not magnetic and weighs 56.8 grams or a neat two imperial ounces. I gave it a light rub with one of the better half's emery boards,it's quite hard and polished up very well, Bi-Carb seemed to clean it up well too and there is no trace of corrosin on it, not sure what type of metal it is but at this stage silver could be the answer, has no visable hallmarks though????????????????
Cheers, SinHof.

PS: Took some photos of yesterdays finds but the phone camera chucked a wobbly an dumped most of my pictures, bugger, lucky I had backed them up to the PC.
Good one Wally nailed it first go, it did have a rusty clip that fell off in the finds bag.
Many thanks, SinHof.
G'Day Heatho and Smoky,
Wally stuck a pin in the silver balloon theory, the mystery was cool while it lasted, thanks for the comments too.
Cheers, SinHof.
SinHof said:
G'Day Heatho and Smoky,
Wally stuck a pin in the silver balloon theory, the mystery was cool while it lasted, thanks for the comments too.
Cheers, SinHof.

Oh well mate, was really hoping it was silver for you, I guess I thought it wasn't due to a lack of hallmark. Though was also thinking it could have been home made. Anyway mystery solved.