SinHof and the CTX3030.

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Evening Ramjet,
A fair bit of variation in terms of depth, the 3030 maxes out at 12 inches and some of the targets would have been approaching half that again, lucky I'm digging in soft sand, it's a bit difficult to accurately estimate the depth of holes as the sand is is constantly moving around the hole as you dig, that said though the hole that caved in was a biggie.
I've not had the opportunity to run the standard 11 inch coil over this location, I can only assume that the depth of targets has a lot to do with the 17 inch coil, the more I swing it the more I'm warming to it, yes it's a bit on the heavy side but once accustomed to it it's no trouble to swing it for extended periods of four or five hours non stop, putting it down to dig targets helps too I think.
On the beach I can run the sensitivity flat out most of the time and that certainly improves the signals from deep targets, Mate we should try and meet up along the way for a beach hunt and we can compare notes so to speak, you can also bring along your shadow just to make the outing more interesting.
Cheers, Sinhof.
SinHof said:
Evening Ramjet,
A fair bit of variation in terms of depth, the 3030 maxes out at 12 inches and some of the targets would have been approaching half that again, lucky I'm digging in soft sand, it's a bit difficult to accurately estimate the depth of holes as the sand is is constantly moving around the hole as you dig, that said though the hole that caved in was a biggie.
I've not had the opportunity to run the standard 11 inch coil over this location, I can only assume that the depth of targets has a lot to do with the 17 inch coil, the more I swing it the more I'm warming to it, yes it's a bit on the heavy side but once accustomed to it it's no trouble to swing it for extended periods of four or five hours non stop, putting it down to dig targets helps too I think.
On the beach I can run the sensitivity flat out most of the time and that certainly improves the signals from deep targets, Mate we should try and meet up along the way for a beach hunt and we can compare notes so to speak, you can also bring along your shadow just to make the outing more interesting.
Cheers, Sinhof.

Thanks SinHof. A couple of very impressive hunts showing the CTX, and it's operator, to be right at the top end of the hobby. :D
Ramjet said:
SinHof said:
Evening Ramjet,
A fair bit of variation in terms of depth, the 3030 maxes out at 12 inches and some of the targets would have been approaching half that again, lucky I'm digging in soft sand, it's a bit difficult to accurately estimate the depth of holes as the sand is is constantly moving around the hole as you dig, that said though the hole that caved in was a biggie.
I've not had the opportunity to run the standard 11 inch coil over this location, I can only assume that the depth of targets has a lot to do with the 17 inch coil, the more I swing it the more I'm warming to it, yes it's a bit on the heavy side but once accustomed to it it's no trouble to swing it for extended periods of four or five hours non stop, putting it down to dig targets helps too I think.
On the beach I can run the sensitivity flat out most of the time and that certainly improves the signals from deep targets, Mate we should try and meet up along the way for a beach hunt and we can compare notes so to speak, you can also bring along your shadow just to make the outing more interesting.
Cheers, Sinhof.

Thanks SinHof. A couple of very impressive hunts showing the CTX, and it's operator, to be right at the top end of the hobby. :D

Nope, old fella just stumbled upon a patch ;) lol
Nice hunt mate, I thought you were onto a winner with that bottom earing, pity it's a junker. Top finds though, think I'm going to need the 17" coil too now, must be some good deep targets on the beaches near my place. :)
Hi Gang,
Sandta, yes we will get together with the other boys if they would like to join us, I think Rocket may be otherwise working a special location, if he has a change of mind he is welcome to join in.
Cheers, SinHof.
PS: Sandta PM sent.
Another consistent hunt Sunhof, has the area you are detecting had recent erosion, or are you just working the low tide line for deep targets? :)
Hi Goldpick,
The area has had a make-over with some earth moving machinery, the top couple of metres of sand has been striped off to do some construction work after the last east coast low.I pulled a few targets along the low tide zone as well.
Cheers, Sinhof.
Hi Everyone,
From the other posts here you will have known by now, four of us had a run on the beach this arvo, It certainly was great to catch up with these blokes after our last group hunt which was some time back.The dual in my finds was a 1942 Florin that cleaned up rather well considering some of the other degraded corroded pre decimals that saw daylight for the first time in a long time today, in all a very enjoyable few hours with a group of easy going like minded blokes.
Cheers, SinHof.
Evening Heatho,
Yes mate, 4 of the 5 florins cleaned up really well, I knocked up a simple electrolosys tank and gave today's florin a quick zap followed by a rub with Bi- Carb Soda, worked wonders, it came up like new.
Great to have you and the other boys along for the hunt, good company is very hard to beat; the Florin did clean up nicely.
Yep thanks for the invite, was a great opportunity to dig coins usually so deep, that they wouldave been undetectable.
Thanks Rocket it was a pleasure, we should do it more often.
Keep swinging.
Hi Folks,
Had an hours detecting prior to lunch at my favourite pie bakery, spent the rest of the afternoon checking out some new real estate for a few bucks in decimal diesel money, a pleasant afternoon out in the fresh air.