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Apr 11, 2014
Reaction score
Does anyone else find the TV show Seinfeld to be comforting?

It takes me back to a time in my life that I now realise was worry free, and.....well just fun.

It might just be my age, or it might prove that 911 really did change the world, or it might just be the stuff I've been drinking.
A 911 could change your life, may even attract new wife. Most people recommend a red one for a serious midlife crisis, not much boot space for a highbanker though.

Somehow I think I may have mis-read your post ;) Come to think of it, I think it is those pretzels that are making you thirsty.
I hated Seinfeld throughout my teens but really started enjoying it around my mid 20's. It's pretty damn funny at times and I often ask the wife to record it, she hates the show BTW :lol:
Hey Nugget

4 votes from this house with your wife, we also hate it, if there's nothing else on, we turn off and talk ( now there's a concept that could take off ) :lol: :lol:
Seinfeld is like many programs you need to watch, enjoy and you will get the humour. Until you "connect" it will go over your head. Just like a tickle can feel good on the feet, it can also be overwhelmingly uncomfortable if you don't have the right mindset. Seinfeld is now a feel good..funny program to me. Another example is Star took a uni course in business ethics for me to understand each episode is an ethical dilemma with a clear human message. What used to be boring is now interesting because I changed the way I looked at the "story" and now I can connect with it.

It is what we call a "paradigm shift", a classic example is the guy who walks to his car and tries to open the door with his keys only to find the keys don't fit. He may stand there for hours wondering why the key is not working......until he looks back and sees the same car two cars back. No amount of positive thinking was gonna open that car until he realises its not his car.

We often skip channels and ignore interesting programs because we have a pre conception what that program is about. If someone you know was in that program...all of a sudden a boring program becomes so much more interesting even if the story is the same.

Sorry if that's a little deep, i've has a long day and Seinfeld just finished!