Risk Of Asbestos Exposure While Metal Detecting For Gold?

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in tasmania gold and osmiridium is associated with serpentine and in the serpentine there are layers of asbestos just need keep your eyes out
Hi Roel,

Overall I'd say the best risk management is to simply not detect or ever be in those areas, however that simply isn't a viable or manageable option in any way.

I guess it's a similar case for those of us who still live in Fibro-Asbestos houses (in this case it's 29 years and counting for myself).

Just thinking out aloud, but there's probably higher odds of snake bite or falling down an old mine shaft in some of those marked areas?

Even in places where there's natural Blue/White Asbestos outcrops in public access areas, roadsides etc., the odds of any risk would again be there, but I'm assuming are pretty minimal and no doubt signs are in place where applicable. I'm guessing in some certain scenario's that there's always exceptions to these rules however.

There will be members here who really know their stuff and have experience in this field (the Geologists. OH&S Risk Management and so on) and will probably explain further.

Tons of dumped asbestos in the GT, the dust would be blowing around at times.
Plus cars use to have asbestos in brake blocks and a scientist i know did some testing of asbestos particles
that are raised by lawnmowers when cutting grass on nature strips, its everywhere.

In my Parents street a mechanic died from exposure in brake systems while working on cars.
See comment in "Best Area For Nuggets Close To Wagga?"

(i.e. a geologist who can explain further - who has been underground in asbestos mines etc)
As another poster said, plenty of other risks that are even higher on the list and more likely.

Just driving to a site places you in 1001 other risky environments. Let alone all teh other manufactured crap and RFi one deals with every day... Every thing is out to kill you.

So better off just going bush and at least go with a smile on ya face..
AngerManagement said:
As another poster said, plenty of other risks that are even higher on the list and more likely.

Just driving to a site places you in 1001 other risky environments. Let alone all teh other manufactured crap and RFi one deals with every day... Every thing is out to kill you.

So better off just going bush and at least go with a smile on ya face..
Yes - practice sensible OH&S and have fun
Syndyne said:
Hi Roel,

I guess it's a similar case for those of us who still live in Fibro-Asbestos houses (in this case it's 29 years and counting for myself).


Agree mate, its been 31 years in our Fibro-Asbestos house. I also lived in one as well for 20 odd years before that so yeah its a bit of a worry. Were we go detecting is know for having asbestos in the serpentine as well, this is a quote I found online about the area. :(

"In this belt, deposits of chromite, nickel, magnesite and asbestos (including thin veins of chrysotile asbestos) are known, and high-quality chrysoprase is being produced, lateritic cover has been investigated for exploitation of its low nickel content." :eek:
