Random communications question

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Gold Gold Gold
Dec 31, 2020
Reaction score
I hate to say it, but this is a "delete if not allowed" question. I run a professional writing and editing business and I am wondering if people would see value in a straightforward letter writing service?
Whether it is for your own attempts to redress local injustices (dispute bills) or to just make your point to someone, or, god forbid, just write a nice letter to someone... I know that a lot of people know what they want to say but don't really have the skill on the page.

The thing is, I DO NOT do this for free, "hey mate can you help me with this letter?" is the catch cry for mates rates... but still, not free, sorry.
Is this a service you think anyone would pay for - to make well worded letters.

btw, it really works - a well worded letter can work wonders....
silver said:
I'm ...a.... not being charged for this am I ? :eek:
It's ok Silver, I will give a pass for that reply, but, let it be known that I am recording our time together and one day, when I need a favour in return, I may call on you ...

I think definitely would be something people would pay for if marketed correctly
One off the top of my head is people who apply for jobs and English is not their main language

There has to be many other instances that would require help and would pay for it.
And submissions writting (I'll give you that one for free :p )
Honestly, job applications and resume writing are a strange beast. I've helped people with both before but unless the person actually gets the job, it's hard to feel satisfied that you've done a good job.
As for submissions, I've done these too. Most people have no idea how much work is needed on those.
There's money in editing PhD's. Friends of ours do it for a fulltime living. Until covid hit they'd be overseas half the year editing by the pool of resorts so long as the hotel has Wi-Fi. All done from their laptops. :Y:

Food for thought perhaps.
I know 2 female Geo's that have the degree but never worked as Geo's . One is a high school teacher and the other is under employed .