Prospect Australia TV

Prospecting Australia

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Sounds like a great idea as long as relatively untouched areas are not promoted or identifiable. Bring back some real aussie bushmen like Malcom Douglas and Les Hiddens to our screens. All4adventure is about the closest thing these days and prospecting content would be great.
Cant please every one.
Your opinion's have been heard and noted, we will do our best to alleviate these concerns, but I believe Education through Entertainment is key on this one.

News is,
We have some great people on board and the help of a film&TV Editor and tips n tricks from a BBC camera man, there is loads involved in this type of thing, lots to learn in the coming months, lots of stuff needed, to get a quality show done! Its not easy or fast!

I am just 1 of the small scale mine guys that's going to show how you may take that next step, from prospector to miner and some tips on how my father and I have made it work and win! Andrew from Adventure gold will be showing off his skills and knowledge, other youtubers like Warren from NQ Explorers will be joining us along the way to add Detecting and relic hunting, heaps of others to add the extra awesome as we go! Wana be on the show? Send those PM's in.

Its a chance for the little guy, be it youtuber or small business, camping and 4x4, fishing, cooking,? and everything that go's with it, to show there wares and whatnot?
Its going to be tough, fun and worth a watch at least.

This is no half assed effort, we are going all out, to do the best we can in the next few months. I have to shut the mine down so I have time to do this!

Just need a little support to help us get the ball rolling with equipment.
Hi folks,

This may sound negative and for that I appologize.
While I'd love to see a good gold show just as anyone would, I'm yet to see one. The last two were especially atrocious.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of negativity over here as well as damage that can be dirrectly attributed to new people to the hobby spawned from watching Aussie gold hunters. That's not including some of the eyesores left by some participants.
That last show from your poached idea Kane, I doubt had an influence as only an idiot would believe the crap he put to air.

Yep we get that negativity and damage even without the shows from many prospectors anyway, but the shows do add to the problem.

Kane and Brother, I'm sure you're swell guys and your ideals and goals are for the right reasons and for that I wish you well and hope it's a success.
But at the same time I see the affects these sorts of shows have not just in my little part of the world but on the ajoining stations so unfortunately a part of me also hopes it doesn't happen. For that I am sincerely sorry.

Good luck fellas!
Thanks for the kind words from all.
And some of the bad word too.
It keeps things in Ballance.
I posted this up in here, because I have a lot of people encourage me to go and try again, my idea for the show hasn't changed, other than I am now doing it with people that share the same passion for the hobby,
The weekend prospector was a disaster, and had I had been there to influence the outcome of it, it may have been different.
I got burnt, so we as a group, will be doing this from the ground up.
I'm not asking people to give us lots of money.
But if you look just at this forum, with over 15000 members.
If half put in $1 then we would be well and truly on our way.

It's not easy starting from scratch, so we ask for your help.
I have seen this forum come together many times over the last 5 years to help others.
Well said Madtuna.

Living in Victoria, i am not wanting to see what most likely will occur if active prospectors grow in numbers from 30 - 40,000 to 100,000 as Kane ( XIV ) has stated?
Don't forget we as a group are set to loose significant access to ground in the GT and Eastern Central ranges when the new parks are implemented.
So potentially we could get 2.5 times more unfilled detector holes, plus rubbish left at camps and creek banks dug into?
In a much smaller area thats available now.

March 2019 the state Government is set to announce its intentions on the GT area's proposed VEAC review.
With a looming federal election sometime in May 2019, and the fact that logging licences are not been renewed over
the central highlands, one can assume the Great Forest National Park is set to be proclaimed as well. 8.(

We already have lots of Prospectors, running U-Tube channels, and lots of Pay TV type prospecting shows,
that market is over saturated as it is.

In this thread, a member posted that some using just a mobile phone camera are making lots of money out of U-Tube channels?
What is lots of money? More than working a legitimate job and paying taxes? :money:

So are some prospectors willing to over promote our hobby to the point that significant damage will occur that is noticeable to all bush user groups,
and we start getting more closures and restrictions, just for personal fame and royalty payments. :poop:

A few years back when VEAC did a review requested by PMAV on potentially opening up some more areas within some National Parks, it back fired on prospectors.
No new areas where opened, the use of high bankers within National Parks was highlighted as an issue, current access to Reedy Creek @ Beechworth to Eldorado
with high bankers was ringing alarm bells with authorities, government bodies etc.

A few months later a PDF report was done on Prospecting impacts within streams.
A lot was mentioned about popular areas been visited multiple times and the potential impacts.

I think some issues need to be addressed before prospecting expands much more than current popularity. :mad:
Swinging & digging said:
Well said Madtuna.

Living in Victoria, i am not wanting to see what most likely will occur if active prospectors grow in numbers from 30 - 40,000 to 100,000 as Kane ( XIV ) has stated?
Don't forget we as a group are set to loose significant access to ground in the GT and Eastern Central ranges when the new parks are implemented.
So potentially we could get 2.5 times more unfilled detector holes, plus rubbish left at camps and creek banks dug into?
In a much smaller area thats available now.

March 2019 the state Government is set to announce its intentions on the GT area's proposed VEAC review.
With a looming federal election sometime in May 2019, and the fact that logging licences are not been renewed over
the central highlands, one can assume the Great Forest National Park is set to be proclaimed as well. 8.(

We already have lots of Prospectors, running U-Tube channels, and lots of Pay TV type prospecting shows,
that market is over saturated as it is.

In this thread, a member posted that some using just a mobile phone camera are making lots of money out of U-Tube channels?
What is lots of money? More than working a legitimate job and paying taxes? :money:

So are some prospectors willing to over promote our hobby to the point that significant damage will occur that is noticeable to all bush user groups,
and we start getting more closures and restrictions, just for personal fame and royalty payments. :poop:

A few years back when VEAC did a review requested by PMAV on potentially opening up some more areas within some National Parks, it back fired on prospectors.
No new areas where opened, the use of high bankers within National Parks was highlighted as an issue, current access to Reedy Creek @ Beechworth to Eldorado
with high bankers was ringing alarm bells with authorities, government bodies etc.

A few months later a PDF report was done on Prospecting impacts within streams.
A lot was mentioned about popular areas been visited multiple times and the potential impacts.

I think some issues need to be addressed before prospecting expands much more than current popularity. :mad:
to answer your question this is why good job swinging and diggin
I see your points, I do, but I live out here too boys, my family has a lease and an EPM, every bloody week we have people SWINGING & DIGGING on the family land, our neighbours leases and the local Stations. People camping on our lease and giving me a dumb look saying they didn't know! The last said he had broken down (full camp set up!) just last week! For years now, non stop trespass, fail to read a simple sign, some of these people think they have rights! I could get Savage or Bitter but that wont help me will it? Perhaps if the law where out there to catch a few hay? Will try that next. hahaha
I have been attacked and threatened by a Station owner mistaking me for one of his regular detecting trespasser's.

I do see your point, more than most I would think?, even though I feel a lot of what we have said seems to be brushed off as good intensions?

Fight fire with fire I say, show off the places to prospect for stones and gems and gold, places like Dells Hole station, fossicking areas, legit places for prospectors to go!
Not your spot or you back yard, we don't want to do anything like the other shows, we want to show the truth, its not for fame or money, its to help, not make it worse!
Give/show the public places to go that let/want people to do this stuff! You get me now yea? Tourist places, detecting tours, Sovereign hill, proper working gold mines, the golden spear mine, hard rock mining and so on. Get cash flow back into our small towns and places that want people there! The knock on should be positive, not the other.

I suppose we didn't spill all the beans at the start? Our bad, but ya cant just give years of brain storming away like that! Woops. Sorry XIV
Let me put it this way? I thought, if we educate the masses then we will have fewer boofheads?!(so to speak) Don't educate, and things don't change and will never get better for anyone and down the BANNED road we keep going!

We are a long way from anything as yet, so don't get to excited we may never get there, but by God, we are going to give it a hell of a go!

Its win, win, for me either way I think. My 20c
There's my point, feel free to reply but I am going to the Mine to work like a dog in the heat and fix busted stuff. I gota stay positive or I don't get gold!
Because that's mining. :cool:
Good luck men..I hope the show attracts hordes of people to those towns... :8 :8
Please try and keep it to just gold and Gems..
Us coin hunters just had a huge influx of newbies after that last show. We dont need another wave just yet 8.( :beer:
For those (like me) who are allergic to anything Facebook-related, here is the direct link to Kane's GoFundMe fundraiser for the project:

The page looks like this:

Further Information:
  • GoFundMe is an HTTPS (encrypted) site, so credit or debit cards can safely be used there.[/*]
  • All donated amounts are published on the page, but you can chose to stay anonymous if you don't want your name publicly credited.[/*]
  • Donors may also choose to leave a comment and a photo if they wish.[/*]
I don't think it's going to be easy, but there is an end goal.
And I have to believe in that.
If not, it's just another idea with merit.
It's hard to get anything out of people, on an idea, but once they can see the pilot, on a website, with all the attachments from YouTube, with all the guys that believe in it and are behind it, then actions will happen, but before that, I think it's going to be a hard run.
So please share this with you friends, and if you can help with a donation, we appreciate it from everyone.
Thank you.

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