Parcel Tax and GST

Prospecting Australia

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Checks in from time to time.
Supporting Member
Apr 8, 2015
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Bathurst, NSW
Gah reading the news this morning with my coffee, The Department of Home Affairs has put in a proposal to add a $5 tax to every imported package into Australia worth less than $1000. Already we pay duties on anything over $1000.
From my understanding, they want to implement it come July 1st to tie in with GST being added to all imports under $1000 as well. They claim it is to cover the costs of biosecurity scanning, giving the budget an immediate $200 million cash injection.

If any of you have your eyes set on an item that is either impossible to buy locally or significantly cheaper from overseas I'm guessing its time to act soon. We have had some topics about buying Australian, support Australian workers etc and I'm all for it, but there are times when there is always going to be an item that no domestic retailer carries or insane markups make it cost prohibitive to purchase in our own country.

There are certainly a couple of things on my list that I might grab before these changes come in, a couple of things I have shelved thinking oh they can wait.

Malcolm cried about the TPP but is ok with slugging the average consumer :Y:

Buy something cheap off Wish or Aliexpress, costs $5 with free postage, get charged $5.50 in duties, Yay!!

Maybe a Fart Tax will be next.
No doubt the importers/wholesalers/retailers will then claim that this tax is being imposed on them as well and before you know it, BAM! the price just went up again.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: If China can state sponsor free delivery, I can't understand why Australia can't state sponsor free purchases, particularly as I have a whole lot of stuff I would like to get for free :p :p

Me thinks this is more of a cash grab or a anti-competitive behavioural education exercise
The 'GST' proposal that Was due to start on July 1st is NOT going ahead, as yet... There are too many issues to be worked out...

Like : The Government wants these 'Other' Countries who sell us our goodies, to collect GST and forward the $$ to the Aussie Gov... Ha. This will never work.. China and a few others have stated that they will NOT be Aussie Tax Collectors...

Ebay was quoted a few months ago that if this goes ahead, they will simply ban Aussie Purchases.... Imagine Life with no Ebay... Lol..

Some Media outlets still think its going ahead , but it is NOT at this stage.... :/

Now the 'New' idea is a new tax/surcharge on the purchases on Ebay and other internet outlets... :N:

They Know the first proposal won't work So, Now this is the New idea... :mad:

You will pay more and your service will get reduced, that is a certainty. Privatisation can work if there is enough competition but if you privatise a monopoly everyone gets shafted.
sapphireminer61 said:
I think I will move back to my old address living under a rock its just getting to hard out here.

Haven't you heard? Malcolm is going to impose a 'Rock Tax'.
sapphireminer61 said:
Would not be surprised there cant be many things left to tax in Australia.

The Rudd Government paid a tax consultant ( Henry ) to look at potential tax reforms.
The 285 page report i read and from memory there were heaps of potential new taxes
and major reforms of existing ones. Plus a number of so called untaxed things that
will be taxed.

They admitted at the time implementing them would be political suicide, but one by one
they are all coming true. The Left wing journalists of the Mainstream Media keep prompting
the government to implement some of the proposed changes.

Some of the main ones for concern are:Abolishing GST Exempt items? So under that Rent, some medical bills etc, fresh food prices will rise? :N: :eek: 8.(

Capital Gains Tax on sale of family Home: Feel sorry for any home owner that will be selling, some people relocate for work, lifestyle, retirement most of
all divorced couples will be hurt the most when assets are split and the family home sale is taxed.

Land Tax to introduced on Family Home: Well as many who own or are paying off a house have paid high rates of stamp duty, this is just another evil tax grab
on Australian hard working tax payers. Imagine the burden of say paying an extra $2000 in tax per year just because you live in your house, this one is been sold as
an option to make it easier for first home buyers to enter the market? The proposal is saying stamp duties will not be charged, so it penalises existing owners. :N: :( :eek: :mad: 8.(

Increase in GST Rate: Most likely to 15%, which is a 50% increase in tax. :N: :eek: 8.( Add that to taxing GST exempt items. Will result in rapid increase in cost of living.

Abolishing current tax discounts to Superannuation: As it stands now, we pay 15% contribution tax to money going in, 15% investment earnings tax on fund balance.
When you finally get to retire at preservation age, its tax free. Proposal is to raise contribution tax and investment earnings tax to full marginal rate and scrap tax free in retirement. :( :N: :eek: 8.(

Now many left wing bias people will say these are fare reforms? What will the extra money be used for?

1. Politicians Pay Rises and over generous Superannuation benefits.

2. Large Increase in unsustainable migrant intake ( Welfare dependant refugees. ) ALP is already proposing this.

3. Large increase in foreign aid donations ( To Countries that hate us. )ALP has already released this as a policy proposal.

Australians need to wake up and ditch there totally useless high taxing thieving political leaders, they are simply screwing us.
Not to say all left wing people are out to tax you to death but I remember senator hanson young admitting on a radio interview that the greens would look at taxing your super again when you get it out and abolishing the concessional contribution rate all together. Even the interviewer was suprised and then she was placed in the naughty corner by her party officials
Goldfreak said:
Not to say all left wing people are out to tax you to death but I remember senator hanson young admitting on a radio interview that the greens would look at taxing your super again when you get it out and abolishing the concessional contribution rate all together. Even the interviewer was suprised and then she was placed in the naughty corner by her party officials

Yep the Greens are an extreme version of the ALP, they are more left and don,t like people providing for themselves. :N: :eek:
Remember PA rules = no politics

To redirect, I saw news footage of the feed belt to the X-ray running at about two parcels per second, that equates to just under $20k per hour per belt operator. How do I get the private contract to "recover costs" :rainbow: :party: :rainbow:
Wally69 said:
Remember PA rules = no politics

To redirect, I saw news footage of the feed belt to the X-ray running at about two parcels per second, that equates to just under $20k per hour per belt operator. How do I get the private contract to "recover costs" :rainbow: :party: :rainbow:
Yes the amount they a considering is way over the mark. Unless it's a sneaky way to introduce a tariff that's not really a tariff and risk pissing China off.
Goldfreak said:
Wally69 said:
Remember PA rules = no politics

To redirect, I saw news footage of the feed belt to the X-ray running at about two parcels per second, that equates to just under $20k per hour per belt operator. How do I get the private contract to "recover costs" :rainbow: :party: :rainbow:
Yes the amount they a considering is way over the mark. Unless it's a sneaky way to introduce a tariff that's not really a tariff and risk pissing China off.

One thing that perplexes me is who pays for the Austrailian side freight component ?

How do customs and Austrailia Post get paid to get "free delivery" items to my door? Other than drawing from general taxation revenue, do they charge for this part of the service from China Post, or are distributors capatilising on an Australian taxpayer funded service that is not balanced by an equivalent volume of balancing postal service/trade.

One thing is for certain, it costs money to relocate a $2.43 led magnifying glass 4500km to my door, I just don't know if I am getting it for free or how much I have prepaid as part of my annual tax contribution. Won't be too happy if I have contributed $1000 in general tax revenue to get a $2.43 magnifier.

A user pays system does make sense in some respects, an efficient one makes more sense.
Wally69 said:
One thing that perplexes me is who pays for the Austrailian side freight component ?

How do customs and Austrailia Post get paid to get "free delivery" items to my door? Other than drawing from general taxation revenue, do they charge for this part of the service from China Post, or are distributors capatilising on an Australian taxpayer funded service that is not balanced by an equivalent volume of balancing postal service/trade.

One thing is for certain, it costs money to relocate a $2.43 led magnifying glass 4500km to my door, I just don't know if I am getting it for free or how much I have prepaid as part of my annual tax contribution. Won't be too happy if I have contributed $1000 in general tax revenue to get a $2.43 magnifier.

A user pays system does make sense in some respects, an efficient one makes more sense.

The very same thought has been renting space in my head for years, we pay for the freight in this country but then the other country has deliver it for free.