Old coin?

Prospecting Australia

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Oct 14, 2013
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Found this today has a diameter of 30mm I can see a glimmer of gold/bronze on one side the other is indented in the middle.. Thoughts?

Still not sure I can see a shield like shape none on the text on outside is readable

Here it is after a bit more of a clean
You're right, I'm now thinking it could be foreign or some sort of token. I've had a look around online and can't find anything, but at least now you have something to go off in terms of detail.
It's actually 31mm can see a shield and an animal horse/dragon like on the right of the shield it's doing my head in at least my hands are getting a good clean!
Has anyone tried bead blasting or blasting with walnut shells or even bicarbonate? I have a blasting cabinet I use to blast paint off auto parts and just thought it might remove some of the grit so you can see the design.
It's had a soak in cloudy ammonia which prob did the best and also vinegar and bi carb can't get too much more off it but it is similar to a coat of arms can make out on the right a horse like animal but it seems too skinny after a few hours I've left it to soak in olive oil so hopefully I'll have something to report in the coming days!
I'm looking forward to finding out what the mysterious coin is. I'll have another look tomorrow to see what I can come up with.
You could always use CLR. Just dont leave it in for too long and rinse well.
looking at that coin and the faint Coat of Arms sent me looking amongst our family collection to show this 1790 Dutch East India coin - if you can uncover more detail on yours my coin may (or may not) provide a reference point for yours.


Quick update pretty sure I can read mayor on outside of coin google still not giving much!!
Hey klinga this is driving me nuts! I've done a stack of searches and zip. Try and do a pencil rub (place some white paper over the coin and lightly rub over it with the side of a lead pencil) to hi-light the letters. Let me know how you go.
Mate I've tried that didn't give anymore I'll be checking into the mental asylum Monday morning if I can't work it out closest I got was a coronation medal which was only slightly similar !!

Hey Klinga I've done it!!!!!! What do you think! Not a bad find mate. Details are below. We don't need to check into the nut house on Monday!

Australia Victoria Fitzroy
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee 1897 (AD)
Mint: not recorded
Other Details: Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee in 1897 was celebrated the great enthusiasm throughout the British Empire. It prompted many Australian local governments to issue commemorative medals. This gilt medal features busts of the young and old Queen Victoria on the obverse and a coat of arms on the reverse. It was issued by the City of Fitzroy and names Alexander Renfrew as Mayor. He was elected Mayor in 1895, 1896 and 1897, retiring in August 1898. His address was listed as Brunswick St, Fitzroy. Interestingly, Fitzroy did not formally become a City until 1913.
What gave me the biggest clue was, as I was trying to decipher the lettering, I noticed the hole at the top. Bingo it's not a coin or token, it's a medallion. Then I checked Ausratilan "Mayoral'
medals and there it was! Bring on the next one!!!!
Scoopa said:

Hey Klinga I've done it!!!!!! What do you think! Not a bad find mate. Details are below. We don't need to check into the nut house on Monday!

Australia Victoria Fitzroy
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee 1897 (AD)
Mint: not recorded
Other Details: Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee in 1897 was celebrated the great enthusiasm throughout the British Empire. It prompted many Australian local governments to issue commemorative medals. This gilt medal features busts of the young and old Queen Victoria on the obverse and a coat of arms on the reverse. It was issued by the City of Fitzroy and names Alexander Renfrew as Mayor. He was elected Mayor in 1895, 1896 and 1897, retiring in August 1898. His address was listed as Brunswick St, Fitzroy. Interestingly, Fitzroy did not formally become a City until 1913.
Nice job Scoopa.