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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Readers of the topic 'That's not a knife' Will recall my recent post of my new knife..heres that shot for your reference.
So today I was showing my nephew who happened over for a chat , what a nice thing it is...Holding the sheath..(over which a few of us had previously discussed as to it's worth) I withdrew the weapon from the sheath...albeit with a rather rapid action...big mistake...the blade...being a little loose in the sheath anyway cut through the vinyl sheath and dealt me a severe cut to my finger...see below
and the result:5stitches and a good deal of blood lost..as I am on blood thinners for my heart...they had trouble in the surgery stemming the flow in order to stitch it...hard way to learn a lesson about good and bad sheaths.
... :8
If you were a bit closer I would offer to make a simple plain leather one for you as I have only been doing axe masks and am not into fancy stuff (yet) and don't have a knife to make a sheath for.
The sheath needs to have a solid leather welt on the side where the sharp edge sits, preferably with a rivet or two in case the edge cuts into the welt over time.

The following is an axe mask work in progress. The welt runs along the bottom edge and hooks up where the two rivets are close together.


I found the hardest thing was finding the leather and the rivets suitable for the task, the rest was easy. Look it up on YouTube as there are dozens of tutorials, and have a go.

Rob P.
Ouch :argh: look after your fingers mate their booked out for the month of March for a shindig remember :beer:
Pablo Pete, thanks for the info and photo mate.yeah your right a custom sheath is called for here...getting the leather and right rivets is something I need to look into...where did you source those items mate. :cool:
Sometimes it seems wrong to hit "like" on certain posts. Announcing you sliced your finger open with a very sharp knife seems like one of those times.

But ouch Reefer! Hope it heals quickly, and you throw out that stupid sheath. The leather one seems like a very good idea.

And a silver lining to the story... I reckon your nephew has learnt to be VERY careful with unsheathing knives in future! So good lesson there! :)

Best regards,
reefer said:
Pablo Pete, thanks for the info and photo mate.yeah your right a custom sheath is called for here...getting the leather and right rivets is something I need to look into...where did you source those items mate. :cool:

The leather came from Leffler Leather, 171 Kensington Rd, West Melbourne VIC 3003, but they were closed and still are to visit due to CovID19, but you can order online for delivery. I actually purchased a quarter of a hide as I wanted to make quite a few axe masks and other stuff as well. It was $60 odd. I wanted to get the rivets from them as well but couldn't find suitable ones online, but I am sure that they have them but would need to visit. They also have the waxed thread.

The rivets came from Knife Blanks Australia - You will need to size them depending on the leather that you get.


Rob P.