Notre-dame in flames

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Dec 13, 2017
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Mount Barker, SA
Not good


Shocking news this is a loss of unbelievable historical significance. The art works the lead lights the historical timber and stone works , Im not a religious man but this was one of the greatest cathedrals ever built . I was only there less than a year ago with my wife and daughter . It was one of the most amazing experiences we have ever had and Im certainly glad that we saw it and experienced its beauty ,am also glad we took lots of photos .
Sad for this loss.
I hope Huge Jackman made it out alright :eek:

they're gonna have to let the flames die down before they put the Snags On, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously it is a Tragic loss not just for France but for people the world over,

At a rough guess I'd say that some one was using an angle grinder to cut those scaffolding pipes to length caused that, I have seen that happen a few Times in old places over here, Because the wood is so old it takes nothing to set it off, Over the years here I have spent many a night on the job doing fire watch, because some clown has scorched the timbers from cutting pipework out or Plumbers soldering in new pipes, ]:D
My daughter and her girlfriend have been staying in Paris for the last few days, being the typical tourist and visiting the sights.
I hope they were able to see Notra Dame before this tragedy struck..
The world has lost something that is irreplaceable :brokenh:
nucopia said:
My daughter and her girlfriend have been staying in Paris for the last few days, being the typical tourist and visiting the sights.
I hope they were able to see Notra Dame before this tragedy struck..
The world has lost something that is irreplaceable :brokenh:

They will rebuild it for sure might take 5 to 10 years but like all Land marks in Europe after WWII they got rebuilt and they will use reclaimed timbers from 4 or 500 year old places that were Demo'd years ago.

And they will knock down a few English Oak Trees in France and age them by leaving them out side for a year or two and it will come up good again, These Old buildings are heritage Listed so even if they get bombed they have to put them back up again, and no one can tell the difference without knowing what and where,

Some of the buildings I have worked in the heritage Bodies are a pain in the A$$, but it is this sort of thing where they really shine. :Y:

Remember when Winsor Castle caught fire, they even restored all the Art work too. and that place is about 950 years old. So they will fix it for sure.

EDIT, Another thing with that job they will even use the same hand tools that were used all them Centuries Ago, No Power tools will be allowed, those logs will hewn with Axes and Adze like these,

Use a power tool on that job and they will throw you off the roof.
I didn't get to see Notre Dame, but I did visit The Dom in Cologne, another of Europe's great cathedrals - from the time they commenced building it to the completion date, it was 632 years (1248 -1880).

Below the cathedral is a vault which supposedly holds the largest amount of Roman Catholic treasure and relics outside of the Vatican with the centre-piece being a gem studded solid gold receptacle containing some of the bones of the three wise men. There was gold everywhere, even some of the old papal robes had vast quantities of gold thread woven into them with one listed as weighing more than 80 kgs due to the gold content.

After we exited the vault and standing outside the cathedral my wife commented that I had a strange look about me and wanted to know if I had just had a religious experience and I replied "you better believe it, the gods of gold and all things prospecting just convinced me to buy a new detector as soon as we get back to Oz".

That was in 2005 when the GP3500 was the flagship of the Minelab range and I bought one from Jack Lange in Greta two days after stepping off the plane.

Visited there in '93. Even went up into the bell towers, bullet holes/impacts still visible in the stonework near the front entrance from the French revolution. An amazing place that just oozes history and incredible to believe that it is nearly 1000 years old. Huge loss.
Amazingly, it appears that the French not only had a prioritised protocol for dealing with a major fire at Notre Dame, but that the oak trees needed to replace burnt structural beams were planted over 150 years ago and are ready for felling for use in the reconstruction!

"Once per century events have to be planned for in a city where structures are a thousand years old"