My Sunday

Prospecting Australia

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May 7, 2014
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Hi all,my prospecting partner,Salty Bob,and I spent a pleasant Sunday wondering around the eastern edge of the Waanyarra digggings.We started off with a visit to the Dunnolly bakery, a "bee sting" and coffee for Salty while I went for a sausage roll.This joint is good, if you are in the area do yourself a favour !!We then headed off to the diggings ,we had a snifff around the road works on the laanacorrie road,no good,and then set off to German dam.We spent some time on a small area of diggings and came across an area which I think was surfaced,not shown on Doug Stones map interestingly enough,but no gold and we moved on. We then had a crack around an area marked as mines which were sadly full of rubbish !We again came up empty handed but surmised the dam there was built for perhaps a sluicing operation on the mulloch heaps left by the first wave of miners ? Not a large area but a steep narrow gully was perfect for a dam wall.We ended up back at the diggings around German dam and off home from there.Grand total for the day was a .22 shell and a perhaps a nail head for myself with Salty coming up trumps with a lump of iron stone and some sandstone with pyrite specks giving a little "bip" on the eureka gold Salty runs.No gold but a great day with plenty of laughs.We both come up with ways we could have spent our $1000.00 but you know a day spent with a good mate enjoying the great outdoors with a bit of anticipation of gold ,what more could you ask ?
Off to Creswick for the Queens B/day perhaps we,ll break the drought there.

A bad days prospecting is better than a good day at work so I guess you cant always get lucky. Lets hope you break the drought Queens bday!

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