My Pencil's Lead Tip.

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Ross Langlands
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
My Pencils Lead Tip.

There's those who say, I'm a bit of a poet
Others would argue That you just would not know it!
What ever the case, I just write the words down
You'll either smile,be sick, or probably frown.

In a nation wanting, of the Poet and Bard
Of encouraging words, When times seem hard.
Who! will pen them,Who'll come to the fore
As the few who did so, In days of yore.

Who!will make comment,On the things we hold dear
Touching a heart-string, Easing a fear!
Who I am inside, Comes out in the light
My heart on my slieve, An Idea, in the night.

A vast, boundless Ocean, Of passion and thought
Caught up in the moment, But it all comes to nought
If you cannot grasp me, In fellowships grip
Then my words are as worthless, As my pencils lead tip.

Copyright.Ross.L.Langlands,2018. ]:D
Nice one Rossco now ya need to follow up with one about ya keyboard :Y: pencils are old school and used by builders these days :lol: good work.

There's a title "These Days" I'll leave it in your hands from here.
Manys the man who would reply with quip
At those of us born with an inner, po-it
For in modern life, we sometimes do find
That verse is passe and treated unkind
But fear not all ye, who can still deftly scribe
Were many thats left in the, quiet tribe.

Great stuff Reefer, thought id reply in kind to let you know your not alone out there.
Just don't ask me to do improv...
Twas not the pencil nor the lead within it
that plied my mind to paper.
Twas the blinding flash with unfettered dash
from back of mind
that spouted forth to let me find
That which my hand delivered
Silver 1:44pm 12-1-2018 :D
reefer said:
:Y: What can I say...speechless! ]:D
Well..... don't read it fast like that lol
twas not exactly what I was getting at....but see what you saw now
:eek: :D :lol: ]:D
I guess poetry can be like that :rolleyes:
I probly shouldn't say it was off the hip so to speak then :(
Gotta be one of my poorest poetic efforts yet... still got tears in my eyes(of laughter) at how that turned out. 8.( :lol:
was really all about how my poetry comes forth from subconscious in a form of unbridled flow.
It's funny cause most of my poetry flows past my conscious brain and is gone..... my conscious memory is not good enough to retain any of it... so I'm sorry but most of my poetry is gone soon after passing my minds ear, it doesn't even get to the lips to reverberate even once in the world..... and that inner poet is not a part of consciousness at all.... I'm just a poor copy typist that cannot keep up with the master. :)
Mate!...I think I know what you were alluding to...and I appreciate the sentiment of your post :Y: :Y:
You have a good heart mate ...and a unique way of expressing yourself! :D :Y:
The Green Wanderer!...Good stuff mate!...Iknow that there are those like yourself and a large number of others who appreciate a little 'culture'...for lack of a better word.I just write the words and in doing so I realise that in the act of doing so, I leave myself in a very vulnerable position. There are always those who are quick to pass critical judgement on the literary worth of my offerings....that's just par for the course in my view.
If I were writing in order to appeal to everybody and in doing so considered myself the modern day 'Henry Lawson' I might also have problems sleeping at night...or be personally devastated that someone might challenge the veracity of my stuff!...ney! I write out of a compelling ...almost primevial urge. :eek: ]:D hehe! it what you will :rolleyes: Iwas particularly impressed by your short offering....'the quiet tribe'...if Imay call it that! :p '
I doff's my lid Sir!.. :Y: :p :cool:
reynard said:
Reefer we write our prose for ourselves, if outers l ike it that is wonderful If not who cares

When all the shiithouse poets die
Their names will echo in the sky
A fitting tribute to thir wit
A monument of solid shiite


This made me smile today :Y: beautiful.
Great Contributions from all. I did get a smile on my dial with the last effort. Thanks for cheering me up RM Outback. Keep up the good work guys. I enjoy reading this thread.