My first Gold, finally.

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Mar 5, 2014
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Well it finally happened,

today was our fourth outing and my first run with the new AM Recon sluice. I love this little sluice, it was super easy to set up and use.

We went to a new spot in a tiny creek under the main high-way and only got to run about 3/4 of a 20l bucket before it got dark.
Sure enough after putting it all through and the first couple of riffles filling with black sand, I picked up the sluice to have a look and there were 3 small specs of the mighty yellow stuff sitting on the flat part of the Recon before the first riffle. I almost dropped the whole thing I was so bloody excited, then I almost lost them trying to get em in the bottle.

We haven't panned of the cons yet so it could well be more but I'm just stoked we finally found something.
I don't think I will ever go anywhere without my A Recon sluice, it's just so much fun to use and so bloody easy to play with.

I can't wait till tomorrow to try the AM Boss for the first time and with my new alloy adjustable shovel as well.

cheers :)
Love it!

I can read the excitement in your post!

I still remember seeing my first flake in the pan and only about 3 months ago. My first thoughts were after about 10 pans that now I know there is gold in this spot so keep looking and sampling other areas. It great now that you have a location where there IS definitely GOLD!

Give some pics, share the love. I bought an AM Grub Steak and used it once. Good to watch those gold flakes dance around in the first few riffles. Very therapeutic!
Thanks Retirement Stone,

Your rite on the money. We are heading to a couple of new spots tomorrow just to see if our hunches are rite or not. The best part about the creek today is it's only a 15 min drive from home, but tomorrow we are going about an hour and a half away.

I know now I have to work on my panning technique now because I couldn't find much black sand when I panned but I then ran the rest through the sluice and the first riffles filled with the stuff fast.

I also found a few rusty old rail way spikes while digging. I was impressed by finding a heap of metal shards in the sluice, it was the rusty bits from the spikes. So it's catching the heavies that's for sure.

As for the pics.... I don't think my phone camera has macro... and my specs are that small I really need
I hope to have enough yellow tomorrow that my camera will pick it

cheers again. :D
Nice find Goldagetting,

Have a great day out Sunday and me the Yellow :)
I can just about guarantee ya, if you had a few specs before the first riffle - there will definitely be more waiting to be panned!

Great job and let us know how it 'pans out'! ;)
Doesn't matter how small it is, when you see it sitting there gleaning in the sun happy days! Well done goldagettin there's more to come, enjoy
Thanks guys. I met a fellow PA member for the first time today and we went back to the same spot. We only found a couple of tiny specs after a few hours of playing about, but I have to say that we had a ball.
A couple of pans, a couple guys and a couple of cans, and a setting that mother nature did her self proud with. It's hard to beat a combo like that, gold or no gold.... imho

cheers again :)
It's always good to get together with other pa guys, don't get me wrong I'll go solo and dig in a thunderstorm if i get the chance to get out but swinging shovels two up makes the day enjoyable even if you strike out, i can relate to what you are saying, sometimes the yellow stuff isn't the only gold.Well a day without it is a day closer to it, hope the gold comes good for you again.
Ahh the memories of that first glint of gold, you sure know its gold when you see it!

Well done and good luck mate, excellent work

Cheers, Tone
Good stuff mate, it only takes a speck, and your 3 up to start, may you get loads more :cool:
Once you see that first colour the sphincter tightens and the hook is set deeper. Well done. The unmistakable color and shine is unforgettable and future au should stand out like dogs you know what. Keep up the stoke
Blayke I sent you an e-mail with my phone number. Give me a call and we can work out a time to go for a dig.

cheers :)
Let me know if you hit the parks up goldagettin I'll tag along with mine, left me shovel in ya disco too the other day haha :D
my gf is going to gympie saturday so im free then without getting in trouble :) if your going out goldageeting
awesome read , congrats mate really good to see you so passionate about what you do . keep up the good work, cos right there is where its at, well done :)