My first 12 months of "yella gold" in one pan.

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So 12 months into it and I still cant bring myself to weigh it, I am to scared it will be rubbish and cure my gold fever, sure does look pretty though.

12 Months of priceless memories I bet & I'd say it'll only get better & more fruitful :)
Very Nice spread. You must be chuffed. That's just the sort of inspiration needed to keep me digging. Thanks for taking the time to post it up.
Goldtarget said:
Very Nice spread. You must be chuffed. That's just the sort of inspiration needed to keep me digging. Thanks for taking the time to post it up.
It actually inspired me too seeing it all together.
Ramjet said:
Nice! But what does it weigh? :D
Haha after hovering over the scales, i made a philosophical decision not to weigh it. Every aspect of our lives have a $ sign attached to it, why ruin my favorite thing doing the same.
Nice work Balx, a lot of great looking gold there, keep up the good work!!

Keep fillin that sluicebanker and your pile will keep growing

Cheers, Tone
Balx said:
Ramjet said:
Nice! But what does it weigh? :D
Haha after hovering over the scales, i made a philosophical decision not to weigh it. Every aspect of our lives have a $ sign attached to it, why ruin my favorite thing doing the same.
Every fifty looks the same, no personality, no story, no adventure. I can completely understand this statement. I keep the lot, every speck picker and nugget.