missing highbanker and pyramid pro pan

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Jan 12, 2014
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Well I'm a bit disappointed and after scratching my head, and searching everywhere I can only conclude some of my gear has been appropriated by someone else. More fool me for leaving it in my ute but nonetheless is the last place I had these items a few days ago in bendigo. The pyramid is a tough one but unmodified the box shouldn't be too hard to spot. Here's a few pics any info appreciated, and no questions asked if returned.


Current incarnation showing internal setup


I'll be sad if I never see it again.
Mate.....No.....your kidding me, if you have no joy in recovering the gear mate, full access to my shed, gear, and facilities until your back up and running, be back home in a week and a half, can kick off then mate. ;)
And to the rotten sods that knocked of my mates gear.........................your time is coming :mad:
I've been moving so I guess my eye has been off the ball, just unpacked the last of everything today (didn't use a removals company just did it myself) checked and double checked neither item on hand. ..... Had it in my ute tray 4 days ago that's the last recollection I have of both items. Is the only logical conclusion I can offer up. Unlucky I took my security cams down and put them up in the new house the old vision confirms they were the last place, funny when I took my buckets shovel etc out to put the last bits of furniture in I didn't notice at the time, but obv now I have I just thought I'd put it up in case I got lucky. Is not the end of the world, I have other bankers and pans just a bit destroyed these went missing. Lesson learnt I guess. Cheers for the offer Dwt, I very much appreciate it. Finally got a large shed now got a reason to be in it I guess.
What sort of ute do you drive?

I have the same issue. Mine has a vinyl cover not hard lid.

Mum gave me an electronic kitchen item. Can't remember what it was.

I must of left my car door unlocked. Went into masters and while I was inside

they opened the door and opened the boot and stole it lol.

How desperate can people get? I had no idea until a few days latter i remembered to take it out of the

boot and could not believe it.
Tray back. So it was an easy lift. Just drive up and bingo. Cheers heads up might be just the thing. If nothing else I guess it shows we should all take care of our equipment.
Hope your stolen items are returned to you, nothing worse than getting stuff knocked off out of you ute.

Its UnAustralian. Stealing from a mans ute is like kicking his mother..

Cheers, Tone
dwt said:
Mate.....No.....your kidding me, if you have no joy in recovering the gear mate, full access to my shed, gear, and facilities until your back up and running, be back home in a week and a half, can kick off then mate. ;)
And to the rotten sods that knocked of my mates gear.........................your time is coming :mad:

Nice gesture, great. jeeeezz, it's getting bad out there. people getting their gold flogged,gear as well. seems it is worse in W.A. too. detect alone,watch out.
don't leave any clues in your car,detecting gear, and STICKERS for clubs etc. these guys seem to be operators, mbe with a network.watching people in gold areas, mbe where they have '' crops''. german sheperds, Dobermans make great pets. watch your back. :mad:
a message to the thief....

you best pray that im not the one that finds you with these items!!!!!!
The feral scumbags that probably stole it, probably don't even know what it is. So chances are it might end up being dumped somewhere.

It's a pretty random piece of equipment to go missing. Just be careful if someone does come across a person using it in a waterway somewhere. They just might be an innocent buyer from the scumbags that stole it.

I'd suggest we keep an eye out for it popping up on ebay, gumtree or something like that. I do feel for you goldtarget and I will keep an eye out.

I hope you find it
I'm sure there are enough people on this forum to keep an eye out in the fields and on the sale site. If anyone spots it we can let you know or the police.

feel bad for you mate. I have a bad habit of just leaving all my gear in the back of my wagon in clear view, although I do lock it up. maybe I should at least cover it up.

Coyote said:
I'm sure there are enough people on this forum to keep an eye out in the fields and on the sale site. If anyone spots it we can let you know or the police.

feel bad for you mate. I have a bad habit of just leaving all my gear in the back of my wagon in clear view, although I do lock it up. maybe I should at least cover it up.

OR mbe a sign, please steal me. :D there was a spate of car break ins about a year ago around Bendigo etc for that reason. stickers on cars advertising the fact. druggies will do anything. :mad:
TenOunce Tone said:
Hope your stolen items are returned to you, nothing worse than getting stuff knocked off out of you ute.

Its UnAustralian. Stealing from a mans ute is like kicking his mother..

Cheers, Tone
True mate, and thanks to everyone for the good will. With any luck it may yet find its way home. With many eyes it may bea possibility. By all means if you spot it just take a photo and put some details down, I can't advocate any violence or adversity, it's simply nor worth getting in a tangle over. Probably some desperado that will cash it in for a couple bucks at the scrap metal joint, I'll get around them just in case (they all know me pretty well in the local area). For the moment I guess I'm just accepting the fact that I'll have to do another build, thankfully it was a final prototype and was planning on finishing it properly in replication any ways. I'm sure there's people with much larger issues out there so sick thick guys and good hunting to you all.

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