Have a look at Page 14 of the manual it CAUTIONs against the use of a 12V battery.
https://www.minelab.com/__files/f/4119/Inst Manual GP Extreme Website.pdf
It also states that the 6V battery is a 10AH.
You definitely can use a 12 volt battery,
BUT only if you use a voltage reducing circuit which regulates the output
DOWN to 6V before it connects to the detector.
The next consideration is the chosen 12V battery's AH rating. If it is similar to the Minelab 6V - 10AH, then there is absolutely no advantage. However if it is double or more in AH then you will get a longer detecting time between charges and regulated to 6V much longer without dropping off in voltage.
Invariably, a bigger AH battery will come with extra weight you will need to carry.
Given that the Minelab specs are 10-12 hours from the 6V which is a similar time to the GPX series 8V battery, there is not much benefit going to a larger battery.
A 12V regulated charger is available for this detectors 6V battery. Put it on charge when driving out in the morning, give it a boost at lunch time and more when you drive home, you should never run out of battery if you do this every day. Then there's the 240V charger it also comes with......