Members reaching post count milestones

Prospecting Australia

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SC75 said:
It seemed like AR hit 1000 posts not to long ago and already at 4000 :eek: his catching up to you silver. :p
Its a good thing when the young surpass the old SC75 ! ;) 8) :D
Not meaning at all that us oldies have nothing to offer at some stage. :eek:
Besides, I'm too old to race(just ask the missus) ;)
But, all that aside ,.... I did go walking today so I can still be in for the long haul. ;)
A famous man (Dad) once said to me some very wise words, he said " You don't see any old fat people son." :eek:
But, hey, this thread ain't about me at all ,... keep those good posts coming AR. :D
Well here it is. TEN THOUSAND posts for me on Prospecting Australia. It has been a fun and interesting experience for me.

I was member # 214 when I registered on 19 February 2013. We now have over 7600 members and growing every day. In the last year or so we have had a few of the stalwarts of the forum either leave permanently or gone walkabout for a while. Good luck to them and I wish them all the best. Some believed the forum was no longer purely about prospecting. I guess this is true but I see it as more of a community now, a reflection of our lives where we talk about our other interests in life and not just prospecting. Weather this is a positive or negative thing is up to your point of view. I see it as a positive.

Chasing gold was my main interest when joining PA. I have been away both by myself and with groups from the forum, found a little gold and some small gemstones. I was going to purchase a gold detector but with the nearest goldfields 5 hours away and with young adult children still at home, the time just isnt right for me to chase gold regularly. One day soon I will get serious about chasing the yellow.

So I decided to get a coin/relic detector as I can detect any day. Being a fan of any type of history I loved it from day one and soon became addicted to coin shooting. Something Im sure many of you can relate to.
The generosity of forum members has been outstanding with several members offering prizes for competitions and giveaways. I thank you all for being so generous.

I have freely shared some of my personal life with the forum and received a huge amount of encouragement and support. The support was amazing when my grandson Thomas was going through his battles with cancer and I also received much encouragement when dealing with alcohol issues. Some of you know of these things but most dont. During these times the members of this forum were absolute life savers. I thank you all.

I have met many great people through the forum and have received plenty of help and support along the way. I wont mention names apart from one.
Nugget is the creator and original owner of the Prospecting Australia forum. Ive been to a couple of Nundle camps that he arranged and he went way above and beyond to offer support and help raise money for Thomas treatments.

Nugget also offered me the duties of a Moderator which I was honoured to accept. I do enjoy moderating even though it sometimes it can be challenging to find the right balance between free speech and adhering to the forum rules. Nugget set up firm but fair rules and I believe this has helped make this one of the more friendly forums around. No we are not perfect but we do what we feel is best for the forum members. Thanks Nugget.

Ten thousand is a lot of posts and I do participate in several of the non prospecting related topics. One of the best topics on the forum in my opinion is the Australian History game. I used to be heavily involved in it but I ran out of good questions. I still read what the other members post but dont post much there now. It really is a great read and you will find out the most amazing facts about our great country. It has more posts than any other topic on the forum by a large margin. Find it here..


My lovely wife Marg thanks you all as well. She sees the forum has been a great source of entertainment and support for me.

So thats my PA experience. See you all in another 10000 posts.

Now I have the more serious matter to attend to involving a mankini, a beach and a camera. Ill post it up when I get the chance to get the pics taken.


Ramjet. (Rod)
I appreciate the fact that you are on this forum RJ. You seem to have a calming influence just by seeing your avitar in a thread. You have been very honest with your trials in life and that is huge for a man to share [ We aren't very good at sharing our tough times]. You are inspiring. Even though we haven't I have a real respect for you. It's important to have a solid partner to spend our lives with and Mrs. RJ is obviously a rock. Bless ya RJ and I look forward to seeing you around here for a long time to come. Cheers, Rick :)
Congratulations Rod it's qiite a milestone. Thankyou for not only you contributions as a mod, and an active member of the forum. But thankyou also for the laughs along the way and helping to make the forum what it has become today. Sob. I love you man. Sob 8.( can I touch the frog now? :D
RJ, I know of some of the epics you have been through, which is why I always clown around with you, hoping to make you smile, it's a tough world out there and even a tougher one in those quiet moments when you are alone, So if I act the fool its for good reason, and thoughts for you and Mrs RJ come from the heart, and if I can help just call,

All of you clowns out there matter a great deal to me and there is nothing I won't do for any of ya, even if I am a pain in the Arse,

There is nothing like the brother/sisterhood of PA.

Thanks for sharing RJ, what you and the other mods do does not go unnoticed. Think we all appreciate the time and effort you go to for our sake, glad we can give you a good chuckle now and then.

Congratulations and keep up the good work! :cool:
