Lost SDC 2300 in Creswick Vic

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Make a report to the Police and include the serial number. I know in NSW that the system is partially linked to Pawn stores, so it could turn up. There are still some honest people out there so you might get lucky.
Mackka said:
One thing I don't understand is if you know the bloke why don't you front him?
Or have I got this all wrong?

MKG met the bloke once only, while out detecting in the bush near Creswick - he doesn't actually 'know' the bloke.
G'Day Matthew
You absorbed a lot of info when you met the other Matthew, I believe that when you left he decided " Look What I found" thats theft by finding in NSW, your best clue is the ford he was driving, and if he moved to Creswick, I would be driving around and letting all I know to keep an eye out for it , so , have you notified Minelab of your loss, just in case it turns up there on day, and reported it to the Police so its on record that you lost it and someone else found it and is theft by finding relevant in Victoria, finding the grey BA Ford is going to help , so Victorian fossickers keep your eye out
casper said:
Yes!, theft by finding applies in Victoria.

YES = All States and Territories

If you were the only 2 in the area, would be a bit hard for him to say he did not know... But then trying to find some one you just met for a few min; would not be easy..

Looking forward to a GREAT outcome for you and him.

I put a Polite post or 2 up on some FB pages... So who knows...
Matthew, Sorry to hear about the loss of your detector it must really hurt. Population of Creswick is just over 3000 so it would only have one cop shop, i'm presuming you have contacted them and nothing has been handed in. If this is the case don't make excuses for the bloke as he has had ample opportunity to hand in what's not his and hasn't. I would assume there is only one post office in creswick as well so your best bet would be to have a local cop accompany you to the P/O and give them the details you know, e.g. his first name, car type and colour and the approx date of when he supposedly moved to Creswick. My hunch is that you have enough info for the P/O staff to click on who it is and where they reside. I live in a 1700 pop town and our P/O staff know everything about everyone. Mail would have only started being delivered or picked up personally around the time he moved there and first initial M or Matthew on the mail would marry up to the time frame quite easily. Also the postie who delivers would probably know the vehicle and address from when he does his rounds. The reason for the cop is so the P/O staff know you are legit and the cop can go search the residence for your detector. Hope this is helpful. SS.

Edit is to add, be smart and play to the cops sense of goodwill, don,t be angry or demanding if the timing doesn't suit the cop offer to come back when it suits them, try to subtlety give them no other option but to investigate.
i found him... phone numbervto night.
He did report to a prospecting shop.


Matthew Kin Gy said:
I can't believe it, but yes I left my SDC2300 on the embankment at Slaty Creek on Friday. Long story.

Anyway, the only other person in the area at the time was a fella I met also by the name of Matthew. Matthew stated he moved to Creswick 2 weeks ago. He stated he had been prospecting for about 4 years. He was 39years old and drove a grey BA Ford Sedan.

Could anyone please help me in finding him or I'm begging for you to contact me.

AngerManagement said:
i found him... phone numbervto night.
He did report to a prospecting shop.


Matthew Kin Gy said:
I can't believe it, but yes I left my SDC2300 on the embankment at Slaty Creek on Friday. Long story.

Anyway, the only other person in the area at the time was a fella I met also by the name of Matthew. Matthew stated he moved to Creswick 2 weeks ago. He stated he had been prospecting for about 4 years. He was 39years old and drove a grey BA Ford Sedan.

Could anyone please help me in finding him or I'm begging for you to contact me.


Mate you're a legend and a top bloke....Did you find him on Facebook Post? :Y:
Heatho said:
Well done AM! :Y:

Not their yet and the owner may have also had some luck..... Who knows....

But the finder was not shy about telling people he found a machine and that he went to a Gold shop in the area to ask...

But the person that contacted me, only has his contact details at home... So until then ...... Waiting waiting waiting...

The finder needs a Casket ticket at the very least :) A new member and maybe a bit of a friendship between the two involved..

You never know what is around teh corner...