Interesting Reading

Prospecting Australia

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kanga1934 said:
the vegan woman should get a fan blow that beautiful aroma back it would help keep the flies off her friends kanga 1934

Or the fan will draw in extra flies from the opposite neighbours and we all know how that's going to end :8 :lol:
what gets me is the fact that this womans lawyer has taken this BS all the way to the supreme court although it was knocked back so does this mean her legal representatives are vegan knuckleheads like her? She should have had a vexatious litigant label attached to her and given the bills for all parties.Our legal system is in part to blame for this :poop:
Pagan P
pagan prospector said:
what gets me is the fact that this womans lawyer has taken this BS all the way to the supreme court although it was knocked back so does this mean her legal representatives are vegan knuckleheads like her? She should have had a vexatious litigant label attached to her and given the bills for all parties.Our legal system is in part to blame for this :poop:
Pagan P

Yeah I question her legal representation it's pathetic, just making a buck and causing stress in the minds of ordinary decent people :N:
Nanjim said:
Word on the street is ....
An impromptu BBQ
About 1000 people rolled up tonight
Out side ol mates house thats what I have been told .....

If this happened good stuff.....

Here's a link to organised public BBQ in Girrewheen :power: :fistpump: :Y: :beer: (we need a Steak emoji :))

World Wide interest with 4 & 1/2 thousand saying there going :) plus another 10k interested :8 :100: :Y:
No, but they could all throw their lamb chop bones and eggs at her house! See how she likes that in her yard, instead of just the smell!

A classic case of, "Careful what you wish for..." She got more than she bargained for, with her BBQ hate mongering, that's for sure!

All I can say, is, "Suffer in your jocks!" :lol:
The public BBQ might just be what her and her legal team are wanting. Cause for reason to sue the council for allowing a hate fuelled BBQ that causes her untold stress and anxiety that they will argue for a financial settlement :8 ya just never can trust a nutter and their legal representative who push the barrow until it's full of cash.
darui said:
I am into preparing for math tests so I read a lot of math books. For example, one of them is Calculus: Early Transcendentals. It is really interesting book for math lovers. Plus I go to math tutor in Mellbourne which I found on

we dont know who you are ?????????????????? but maybe an introduction would get you off on the right foot
unless you have something to hide that is