How my veggies are coping through this cold snap

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Jul 20, 2018
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My lettuce seem to be suffering in the current climate swings we are encountering he in SW WA.
How's people's veggies coping across the country?

Haha let's see if this thread gets closed too :lol: :lol:

Seems every thread about the weather gets shut down, the mods need to chill out rather than getting hot under the collar....Haha no pun intended :lol:
Well well,if I had put this up,the parrots would have been calling for it to be closed down,lock it.
Well the story here in around Ballarat it has been cool summer,the wheat are standing,to cool to head.
In our garden the pumpkins I would say are a dead loss will not produce anything,the tomatoes are not that large and will be a way off,peas and beans are OK.
We have nights and mornings that have gone to as low as 8c in January,the people next to us rent their place for weekends,to people.Last night he told us some people who rented it requested if they could light the fire,is this summer.
We have a lot deciduous trees,they are now starting to colour,and it is not from lack of water!
Come on down Mudgee,plenty cool air and rain here at the moment,14c
Have pumped a little pond out twice in the last weeks, want to scrap it out but now,will have to do it agaiin.
A friend of my brother in law,has been trying to harvest his barley,but just too damp.
Went to Melbourne today,very green around the north of it,which at this time of the year is crispy dry.
Yeah, bit of a mystery.....


Who knows what upsets the weather.... :lol:
26mm rain over night and 10.4c this morning,and tonight down to 10.8 at the moment.

Our tomatoes are not good,planted in early November,very small.


We grew 70 kilos pumpkins last year in this spot,and we fertilzed again,with manure,but they will amount to nothing.


We need a good burst of warm weather.

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