highbanking a bend worth it??

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Apr 5, 2016
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before I start I know test sample first.... BUT here my reason on asking.

over the years when water is available I been prospecting a creek that is about 1hours away from home and is a pain to get to overgrown and steep.

I called in there on Tuesday to see if its got water due to the rain we have had and got a few pans in behind a few crevices in the bed rock. nice colour all small but still colour.

my question is I only have a day free next weekend and I would like to take the banker in and spend the day moving dirt but like I said its extremely steep and overgrown do you think its worth highbanking the inside bend just before the crevices where I found the gold.

if I had more time and the water would stay around I would spend time testing the bends to see if its worth the highbanker.
what do you guys think. do you guys normally highbank bends or just behind the bedrocks as I do
all my bloody pictures are to big. yeah there's mix of all sizes one rock is huge size of a wheelie bin others big as basketballs some smaller some bigger. look like the old timers worked in the bank behind the creek about 10 metres away
sounds like it's got potential, don't just set up and dig away, be patient with test pans. some spots don't get water often so I understand you wanting to make the most of it.