Hi, another newbie

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Dec 21, 2014
Reaction score
Rowville, VIC
Hi all,
I am from Rowville in Melbourne. Not very good with technology so to get this far is an achievment. I am just starting out and hoping I can use all your experience to assist me. I do not have a detector yet, although I have used the SD2300 and GPX 5000 briefly on a training tour. I have heaps of questions (if I can find my way back in) the first is (and I have read a lot of the posts)
If the cost was not a problem which of the above two detectors would you suggest and why? I am open to other suggetions as well.
Also living a fair way from the "golden triangle" are there any areas closer to me that anyone has found gold with a detector.

Last question for now, Has anyone found gold with a metal detector in the Beechworth/Eldorado area?

Looking forward to your assistance.
Welcome, Maxwell4 to the forum. We have plenty of info on those detectors under metal detectors listing. Have a good read. Studying is part of the hobby.
Jaros :p
Thanks Jaros,
As I said not a tech head, but now finding out how all these posts, threads!, etc etc work and have found the area you were alluding too. Some good info so far ( had to recharge the tablet there is that much reading lol).

Have a great and safe Xmas & New Year