Greenies are Ruining my Life

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Sep 4, 2014
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back in 2012 my petrol 4x4 died and due to ill health I have been all but house bound for a while, well as some of you know I just bought a diesel 4x4 5 weeks ago, so I thought life would improve and I would be able to get out and about,

Anyways the greenies have got the bleeding hearts party making plans to introduce a new Dirty Fuel Tax which will becoming out shortly where anyone with a Diesel over 10 years old will have to pay 20.00 per day / $33.00 per day to drive it, I am already paying 290.00 / $486.75 for REGO and there is no SGIO over here so my insurance is costing me $1254.00 per year and any person that goes in to the city and parks their diesel will have to pay 7.50 / $12.38c per hour to Park

So Just to drive/Own a Diesel here it will end up costing me the following

Rego $486.75
INS $1254.00
Driving tax $8580.00
Road worthy $99.00

Grand Total $10,419.00c

That is without parking charges, Now I am already paying $9.52 per Gallon or $2.09c per Litre for Diesel, Where as the PIA's who are making this stuff up get FREE cars/Transport and Free Fuel and they are on about $300.000 to $500.000 per year and they get Free Homes and Free Building maintenance which covers anything from a cracked window to about $300k etc etc. So they don't feel it like the common man does, They Put the Beer up years ago so I stopped going to the Pub, and a Packet of 20 Smokes now costs $17.82c, which I also stopped buying years ago because my wages never matched the price increases, At one time Diesel was costing $2.72c per litre,

These B*****ds are really taking the Pi$$ now, and it's just not funny anymore.

Surley that stupid tax won,t be introduced?
Buses,Trucks, generators,Ships,trawlers , airport tow vehicles,all taxed? I doubt it.
Oh they will do it for sure, Cars trucks and Buses account for only 10% of the pollution over here and yet they are going to add a 4th or 5th Runway at Heathrow Airport where One Plane on take off can fart out enough pollution that my truck would put out if I left it running for 5 years 24 hours a day,

It's flaming Stupid, and it is always the working man who pays the price.
I don't know why these people are allowed to do such things when they know nothing about how the common man has to live. Because of their over inflated wages and life style what gives them the right, None of this effects them. My brother just bought a VW mpv because someone wrote off his last car which was not cheap and he is invalid with a Brain Tumour and he struggles to survive.

davent said:
Surley that stupid tax won,t be introduced?
Buses,Trucks, generators,Ships,trawlers , airport tow vehicles,all taxed? I doubt it.

You can bet it will be introduced.

The Winging Greens and their leftie mates in the ALP will ensure this, its all in the name of economic vandalism which is want they want.
When the totally destroy the country they will seize your assets and wealth.

All part of the evil plan.
Swinging & digging said:
davent said:
Surley that stupid tax won,t be introduced?
Buses,Trucks, generators,Ships,trawlers , airport tow vehicles,all taxed? I doubt it.

You can bet it will be introduced.

The Winging Greens and their leftie mates in the ALP will ensure this, its all in the name of economic vandalism which is want they want.
When the totally destroy the country they will seize your assets and wealth.

All part of the evil plan.

Here is one lot of BS they are lying about and if you go to the bottom of the page you will see all the other Lies they are spreading to scare people in to supporting their Vendetta,
Lol, Something like that,

A couple of years ago the GOV did a big push to get us all to buy Diesels and they even went as far to lower the price of fuel and the Rego and now they have reversed everything with Avengeance, I hope they can be stopped because this is not right.
