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Russell and Sheryl Mahoney
Jul 23, 2013
Reaction score
Chapple Vale, VIC
G'day just joined the forum but been looking at it for the last month or so. My husband and I have been detecting since Sept last year when we bit the bullet and bought our 5000 (and have found a lot of bullets to bite since lol).
First time out found a nice little .4g nugget on a mullock heap and a Professor Holloway Token and the addiction/fever set in, we try to get away regularly but the G.T is at least a 3 hour drive from home so its a weekend trip with camper trailer in tow. We have found 9 little nuggets or quartz with gold in it so far the smallest only .1g and the biggest 7.9g (didn't that one get us excited), although the last find was boxing day and haven't found anything since other than lotsa shot, bullets, horseshoes and little horseshoes (boot sole thingys),but were still having fun getting away together and tramping through the bush and exploring new areas. :D
Welcome to the forum and sounds like you really enjoy your fossicking. My husband and I are fairly new to this forum as well and I thoroughly enjoy this interesting site. We have not yet been out fossicking although I have put a kit together ready to go when the oppurtunity arises. You will find the people here very helpful and friendly not to mention all the great advise . Good luck hunting......Cheers Debra
Rusher said:
G'day just joined the forum but been looking at it for the last month or so. My husband and I have been detecting since Sept last year when we bit the bullet and bought our 5000 (and have found a lot of bullets to bite since lol).
First time out found a nice little .4g nugget on a mullock heap and a Professor Holloway Token and the addiction/fever set in, we try to get away regularly but the G.T is at least a 3 hour drive from home so its a weekend trip with camper trailer in tow. We have found 9 little nuggets or quartz with gold in it so far the smallest only .1g and the biggest 7.9g (didn't that one get us excited), although the last find was boxing day and haven't found anything since other than lotsa shot, bullets, horseshoes and little horseshoes (boot sole thingys),but were still having fun getting away together and tramping through the bush and exploring new areas. :D
The Holloway token is an excellent find. Well done on the gold as well. Ahhhh mullock heaps - they just keep giving.
maybe build or purchase a highbanker and hit the same mullock heap again, may get some more
Welcome to the forum Rusher,sounds like the little "Rattlers" are slowly starting to make a dent in the jar. You certainly have the right tools for the job, and I'm sure given time a great little patch will unfold for you. Good luck chasing those nuggets and hope the forum can help increase the tally.

Cheers Wal. :)
You couldn't have joined a better group to discuss and "BRAG" about your finds

Well done and I am sure there will be many more hours of pleasure to be had
