GM 1000 Finds In Shoalhaven

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I think I know the problem,

1. Gold (Iron Reject)
2. Deep All Metal
3. Junk Mode

Sensitivity: 12+ Everything under the Sun

Mate, you just selected the wrong mode that's all!

Better luck next time mate. Jokes aside, I recently hiked around 7km to a spot on private property (owners permission) thinking it would be pretty much untouched by recent activity only to get there and find so much rubbish, campfires full of tins and glass, loads of spent rifle cartridges laying around and worst of all smashed bottles in the river, the glass was still razor sharp not water-worn. Was too far to lug it out but I took what I could up off the banks or the river, and buried it in what seemed a good spot.
thanks guys
myself and reefer are heading out on Tuesday for a 6 hour drive to a place i used to pan as a kid (and ride motor bikes)
it has a mining lease (for the last 50 years) on most of it but we are heading through to the river so no problem to them
gates are locked but i went to school with the owner as he has left me a key
it is also known as a fossil area as well

my first mistake ;)
Took my daughter out detecting a few local beaches today
second mistake :mad:
i let her use khaleesi and i used the old 12000
my total finds for the day
2 x bottle tops and a bit of foil :mad: :mad:
her finds for the day are in the photo 8.( 8.( 8.(
she is over the moon and has not stopped ribbing me all the way home and then all the way into town
should of made her walk into town after all its only 37k

the biggest ring is plated with no markings and was 8" down
the second has no markings and was about 4" down
Ha.... the CROWN JEWELS are only paste.... luckily it wasn't you who found em then..finding that and just knowing would be gut wrenching :eek:
:lol: :lol: yes i had my test kit with me and tested it but she enjoyed herself dont know if i have converted her yet but i have the feeling i may be getting
Dad can i please borrow the detector every now and then :lol: :lol: :lol:
Mackka said:
Mate that is epic!
Father and daughter doin stuff and she shows you how to use YOUR detector, epic. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Love ya work mate.
Mackka :Y:
Mate you are so funny ]:D ]:D ]:D ]:D
Takes dedication not to just cherry pick everything.

Some great finds,and cleaning up the area!

Respect digging bro!

Just acquired my gold monster coz the price was right(as in credit over time=free).

I take back some of my harsh words,it's a fine bit of kit for the price. :Y:
Nice,i'm looking at the nox800 & kruzer eventually for something ID based.

Old BH works great,but that numerical ID is a definite advantage in some places.
another day walking the beach only to find rubbish and a 5c piece
i am going to have to go further south to some of the other beaches

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