Getting ready to go to VIC! New products and Clearout Items

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Justin Cleghorn
Supporting Member
Jul 29, 2015
Reaction score
G'day guys,

Just getting my Ducks lined up so to speak for the trip down south, hoping that foul weather clears up a little.... well a lot before I get there.
Looking forward to a good trip and the Fun of the Laanecoorie gold bash.

So To get ready I need to clear some stuff out of the stockroom.

MarsMD products have been reduced to clear on the remaining stock.

ATpro, Xterra and Racer/Racer2 coils
Universal Shaft all reduced to go.

The coils now come with a coil cover standard, as they used to just come in the nude.

Universal shafts fit a wide range of detectors and make them collapsible to about65 cm in length.
So your ATpro could kinda look a bit like a deus.
They also transfer the weight to the top of your hand, a better position for low fatigue and longer swinging times.


Detector covers for a wide range of machines are now available at the store.
CTX is out of stock but more in the next couple of days.

The condom style pinpointer covers for MI-6 and Garrett are also now in stock.

RNB Lithium Batteries are killing it in the machines of users, longer hunting, better power delivery and it replaces AA's in your ATPro/Gold and ATX, Did I mention only 2-3 hours to charge them!

XP Deus stock is a little haphazard with XP On holidays and sales spiking all the time, I am trying to stay on top of it and more stock is ready to be ordered as soon as XP get back from holidays.
Good Stock of MI-6 Pointers.

TYGER Diggers are proving themselves time and time again in the field, I have packaged them up with a Land or sea pinpointer as a package deal so you can save a few bucks on a complete recovery kit.
Great Value for a Top Pin Pointer and an awesome digger.

Lastly The C-scope CS4PI has had an elliptical coil added to replace the round one, Pre-order is underway at the OLD price of $549, the new price of $629 will apply once they land.
The CS4 is a beach killer and users are loving the simplicity of use and the monster depth in any type of sand.
Truly the best bang for buck beach detector on the market.

I have recently upgraded the look of the store and it is now very easy to locate what you are looking for. I am always around for support on the phone or if you prefer to talk to a human to order.

Cheers all

See you at Laanecoorie!

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