For Golds Sake

Prospecting Australia

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Jul 21, 2013
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Hi All,

I have been panning a few times with out any gold luck but have been lucky enough to meet some friendly folk who put me on to this forum. I live near Canberra and am excited to soak up the expertise on here and meet some like minded people who are ok with showing a newbie the ropes. If a group of you are heading out to prospect sometime, would be keen to come along :)

Nice to meet you all!
Welcome aboard mate, I hope you find the forum helpful.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Hi for_Golds_sake,

Welcome along to the forums! I'm sure you'll learn plenty here and have nice gold showing in your pans as a result. :D

Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. You're in great company here!

All the best,
Hi FGS & welcome to the forum.
I look forward to reading about your first golden find. I hope & trust we won't have to wait long.
Welcome to the forum FGS and good to see the Canberra connection growing. Hope you find the forum valuable in your research of all things prospecting related. Look forward to catching up on a local stream some day.

Cheers Wal. :)
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome :)
Nice to see so many Canberrans in the forum.
Hope to get to know you all out in the field.