For anyone interested in the history of Ballarat ( Ballaarat )

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Dec 28, 2018
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Great work. Foz. Love history. As you know ever time we go out. Im trying to find the old camps where all the miners lived. Where the drink and get supplies. Etc
No tours ,as yet , Bush Chook. The building itself is magnificent. The walls and decorations inside take you back in time. You will see a sign that says Minerva hanging from the entrance . It refers to the Minerva Space where they hold functions inside. Been there on business.Just down the road is where the visitor centre used to be and there is still the big display on the street honouring ballarat`s gold history.


I`ll keep an ear out and post any info up if and when they do have tours . There will be a huge queue to get in. I went and toured the old gaol a few weeks` ago and was part of the first group going on the tour . Approx 100 of us turned up. After our tour finished 45 minutes` later ,the next group of about the same amount of people were lined up and ready to go.

Two doors` up the road from the Mechanics Institute is the Unicorn hotel where there is reportedly an entrance hiding in plain site that takes you underground to the old shops. I am guessing the entrance is somewhere near the front door on sturt street under the new asphalt . I have looked for it ,but never found a secret entrance.



I agree, Ward69. We are learning alot . I bought new boots today. I have worn the others out very quickly with the miles we put in .

So where abouts is the remains of the flag...The Cross of the South that is...planning on a tour in early spring. :cool:
Spot on , MegsyB007 .

The Eureka Centre ( MADE , Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka ) is a great place to explore our history.

The flag is much bigger than you would expect .

There are many facets of Australian life on display at MADE .

I think it is a gold coin donation to get in for non-ballarat residents.

If you go , have a look at the Pikeman`s dog memorial out the front on the Eureka Street side . It was inspired by a bloke name Ken Prato
who is an old Shearer who wrote the book on the pikeman`s dog during the Eureka rebellion. Ken is a terrific bloke to talk to . I see him every now and then. He drives a HT ute that has over 1 million original miles on the original engine. He has written many books and travels the world. I went to the opening of the memorial and saw it being unveiled about 4 years` ago.

Thanks, MegsyB007 and just starting...I thought that's where I'd find it..but wasn't sure...should'a googled it ... :p Yeah The wife and I are off to Omeo, Bright and then to Ballarat and then down to do a cruise along the Great Ocean Road...September-Oct.Have to undergo a simple heart -echo procedure first...17th July...but I'm confident I'll be sweet to go by then...still not smoking! :D's tough some days but them's the breaks I guess....eating like a renewed sense of smell is getting me into trouble in the kitchen!... :drooling: :p
reefer said:
my renewed sense of smell is getting me into trouble in the kitchen!... :drooling: :p

Shower daily and you won't get into trouble in the kitchen (or anywhere else) Reefer. :playful:

All the best for your trip.

PS - You are not likely to get across the top from Bright to Omeo via Mt Hotham & Dinner Plain at this time of year. A couple of people have already tried and got stuck this season for their troubles. Had to leave their vehicles behind.