Detector revolutionary device

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Haha I used to see them on eBay all the time till one day curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on it... The utube vid was a good laugh.

I actually knew what it would be before I even clicked your link
I just invested $18 for the Newhobby ion locator circuit the other day (NH 61). The proprieter, Violin, told me as much they were a load of codswallop before I threw my money away. Made a box (has to be wood, as plastic causes static and metal will overload it), now just need to mount the speaker and switches, and design an antenna. It comes with a basic telescopic radio ariel, but after trawling the LRL website, I'm gonna try an aluminium dish (saucepan lid) hooked to pos. and neg. to the (insulated) antenna. Other experiments may be an earth wire to my hand, a coaxial copper winding loop antenna, or a square aluminium antenna made from old tv antenna tubing.

The indicator does flash and report on the speaker when I tickle the antenna wire. It has 2 as yet unknown switches and 3 as yet unknown pots.
If it detects the fridge at a foot, I'll be happy. If it can detect/discriminate black sands from ironstone at point blank, I will be ecstatic.
If it can even see gold, I'll have kittens, do a triple backflip and speak in tongues !!

Sorry my camera did just that the other day, so no pics 'til I get a new one.
Go Timmy, if anyone can make something of it and become filthy rich beyond all our wildest Au & Ag fantasies, it's gunna be you brother ,..... I have faith ,.... let the circuitry be true ! ;) :D
ps, you may well need to design an app for it that works using gps co-ordinance coupled with 3d mapping capable of pinpointing and shielding even through the Earth from places the likes of the fortknoxes and wealth concentrations of the earth, also need to feed realtime data through a program that will record axis of allighnment and process the incoming with the ongoing in relation to the stored so as to be able to give you a headsup analytic display on a wirless set of glasses in realtime configuritively speaking.IE wear the glasses and don't cart the computer. ;)
Yee-Har Silver ! And it was only $18! Man, I got the deal of the millenium! Every one needs a sophisticated device to find their fridge!....Damn, now where did I put that fridge this time?
Perhaps I better book myself in for an expensive lesson from a psychic guru so I can learn how to interperate the signs??? Read auras, and all that technical scientific stuff??
And I'd better build in a storage space for the mind-altering substances needed to fully realise its' potential. :lol:
Perhaps I should have made the box out of Witch-Hazel? ;)

Yep, I can see that Fort Knox , the Reserve Bank and the mint are gonna cause some interference........
Just don't run it full throttle at first, just ease into it slowly ,.... Tesla, after all, could make light bulbs light up 50 miles away bouncing power through the Earth (more likely he didn't know it was bouncing off the ionosphere !). ;)
We probably shouldn't take the piss so much- see on the news lately about quantum computing and molecular-scale devices now being possible. In another 10 years us skeptics may be relegated to the flat Earth society.....
Such a pity about the potential gutting of the CSIRO....................Oh well, what's important is that pollys remain rich and executives get ever-increasing bonuses for stripping wealth, value and potential, while avoiding tax.

Some more of Teslas' theories may well be soon proven.......I do believe electricity could be transmitted through the air, but you can bet your bottom dollar the powers that be will never allow that to see the light of day without a means of penalty and taxation.

Sitting here the other day with a container of electrolytic capacitors near the computer and one exploded! Maybe something to do with static or magnetic fields?
5,000 units sold worldwide ? And I thought the chinese GPX knockoffs were the epitomy of dodgy .

I cant believe he can even get away with trying to sell them.

I guess in the event of claim jumpers you could always " set it to stun" just like Capt. Kirk and spock and their Phasers.
I read a comment somewhere that the real gold isn't in the ground, but in the wallets of the gullible. I mean, we all live in hope, but, to use Kawmans phrase "far out man".
This bloke is definitely a "wallet miner". Probably his day job is a bank executive. :eek:
Anyway my NH41 (sorry not NH61 whoops!) is now assembled, minus the antenna/array. I've worked out one pot adjusts frequency, and one balances between the green LED and the red LED (+/- ions?). Dunno wot the other one or the 2 switches do yet.
When I swing it around the kitchen (just the +/- antenna wires hanging out) I get various green and red signals, so it's doing.....something (?).