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Jan 18, 2013
Reaction score
Yarraville West, VIC
This has just come from the pmav and it apply to clubs wishing to camp in the GT

Hello everyone,
I am not sure if you are aware that there is a new requirement when applying for a permit from the old DSE for approval to camp in the Central Victorian Goldfields.
Your applications will now be forwarded to the Dja Dja Wurrung Clans for comment. This is apparently to ensure you arent going to disturb any known aboriginal heritage.
While there is no cost involved, you will need to apply at least 8 weeks in advance to allow DDWC to comment.
You may like to consider that if your application is rejected, you will need to start the whole process over again, you cannot ring around to change the venue.
The PMAV is working on a resolution to this to make it more workable and have had preliminary discussions with DDWC in this regards.
We have agreed to put together a list of those areas where clubs regularly camp and for there to be a blanket approval for these areas, subject to change as DDWC obtain new information on heritage.
So could you please compile a list of all the Central Victorian sites that you visit, the list can be as long as you like I suggest you include all of them
The PMAV will then condense this into a list to send to DDWC and DELWP (the old DSE).

Please make sure I get your responses by 30th June, feel free to ring me to discuss.
Thank you,
Rediculous, can't believe they have so much say in any matter like this, what, it's not a free country anymore or something? Last time I looked it was.....
I don't think they are picking on prospectors I think it is all large groups in general.I do understand it is a massive rigmarole and giant pain in the bum but you can't nock a group of people for tryingest to preserve what's left of there heritage for future generations.hopfully there is a happy medium and Comon care and human nature can come together and make this situation work with a bit of give and take from both sides with some POsitive mediation. good luck to both sides of the spectrum after all alot of good people woUld like to enjoy what's left of the Aussie Bush to. :)
Mate they will most likely sell it to the highest bidder to destroy once and for all. I'm not disagreeing with native title claims but greed is usually the only reason they want the land back. Not always about greed as a lot of native title claimants refuse to sell but a lot do. Though I'm all for preserving forests having to ask for permission to camp on common land is rediculous and a dangerous precedent in my opinion. A lot of times the original tribes never even got along and sometimes even the wrong tribe is claiming title, I think it's a mess to be honest.

My family have been here for so long I don't and can't really associate with being anything other than Australian. I have indiginous mates and even half blood indiginous cousins. Recognising the land they came from is fantastic, giving it away to be done with as pleased is not right if it is already owned privately or publicly.
On the other hand I have seen some of the bigger clubs on location.
Can be up to 80 - 100 people.
Huge turn outs.