Detecting gold underwater

Prospecting Australia

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Mar 22, 2015
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hi was wondering if anyone else has been metal detecting underwater as iv bought an Excalibur 2 an will this detector be just as good in the bush
Hi smitty,

I've done a fair bit of detecting under water fresh and salt. You have a great machine there for its intended purpose which is in the water. I don't like its chances elsewhere.

What area are you from? I mainly focus on where wealthy tourists would go diving or swimming.
hi thank you for the reply I live in the south east vic haven't had much of chance to try it out under water found a few things on the beach
Hi , I'm Sunshine Coast Qld based. I have done a little bit of land detecting years ago here in the hinterland and near Warwick. last year I bought a device called an Airbuddy. Its an Aussie made machine that floats on top of a body of water you are in and pumps air down to you as you dive. It can pump air down to two separate lines /divers down as deep as 6m, or one diver down to a max depth of12m. One battery pumps air for up to 55 minutes before you have to change batteries. I have 3 batteries so can dive for at least 2hrs 45 min a day or three and a half hours if I car charge the first battery after depletion. I bought it principally to hunt for treasure/rings/go pros , sunglasses etc. on open south east qld beaches and have had some successes and lots of fun. I use a Nokta pulse dive metal detector with the larger model coil to detect objects.
You sent Today at 11:38 AM
I have all dive gear for two divers and Im open to the idea of buying a second handheld detector. Are there any good underwater detecting and or sniping experiences anyone can recommend. If not do you know of any areas or individuals in any state where this type of gold fossicking might be applicable, or any land owners who might be interested in cutting some type of royalties deal for underwater searching on their.I am open to having a partner on the other airline too
It's a long time since I did my scuba training so my knowledge is a bit dated and the memory is poor. :(
If you haven't already done one, i'd strongly suggest you attend a dive training course, particularly as you are suggesting multiple dives potentially to more than 2 atmospheres. The risk of decompression sickness is increased with multiple dives and depth.
I doubt the people from Airbuddy would have considered someone running 3 or more batteries in their safety case.
Please ignore if you're already scuba qualified :)
25 dives completed, not qualified, check your tables not 2 atmos, most dives around 4 m anyway, safety stops over 6 if i do them, just really on here for river gold info , thanks anyway
suncoastdan said:
25 dives completed, not qualified, check your tables not 2 atmos, most dives around 4 m anyway, safety stops over 6 if i do them, just really on here for river gold info , thanks anyway

Fair enough, it's your life.

"Absolute Pressure in Salt Water
A 33-foot square inch column of salt water weights exactly 14.7 pounds, and exerts 1 atmosphere of pressure. Therefore, absolute pressure increases by 1 atmosphere every 33 feet.
As the graph to the left illustrates, the pressure at 0 feet is 1 atmosphere. Because 33 feet of salt water exerts 1 atmosphere, the absolute pressure at 33 feet is 2 atmospheres. Pressure continues to increase by 1 atmosphere every 33 feet.
A common mistake divers make when calculating absolute pressure is forgetting the 1 atmosphere of pressure at the surface. Remember, absolute pressure is the combination of pressure from both water AND air."

Plus you did say "I bought it principally to hunt for treasure/rings/go pros , sunglasses etc. on open south east qld beaches"
I heard a story about gold in a river called el dorado once, gold everywhere, fill a shopping basket in 1 where did I leave the gps coords.........
For qld you have to zero the crock ones out.... be fun if you like the thrill of scraping out your jocks after a close encounter.... so no go north of the Mary... and saltys like the fresh for the same reason as sharks (the barnacles die and deaths are recorded as misadventure when nobody is found)..... true as
:poop: 'n bricks
suncoastdan said:
does anyone actually have knowledge of river/stream submerged gold, thats All im interested in here

There'd be few if any places where river/stream submerged gold would be accessible without dredging, but dredging is illegal, so...