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Oct 20, 2015
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The Wolf Den....
Just watched ABC News.... They featured a young couple on Hamilton Island who have been placed in Lock-down.... All Guests are being placed in a Cyclone Shelter till Danger passes.... Fair enough I say... Anything above a Cat3 is no laughing matter... been there done that...But...
What worries me is this couple mentioned that All Staff have been 'Sent' to their Huts/Dongas and are Not Allowed to leave until danger passes... AND These Huts/Dongas are not Cyclone Rated...
The Staff are Not Allowed to seek Shelter in the Island's Cyclone rated Building... Doesn't this come under O.H &S... And Duty of Care of Employees ... I can see a few Workers Comp Claims coming on....
When I worked up there, Staff were NOT allowed in any swimming pools, Bars, Restaurants or Beaches that Guests patronage on the Island.... A Mini Jail we called the Place....
Good Luck to The Staff and Guests on the Island for the next 24hrs...O:)

Im sure they will be fine...doesnt sound right they cant shelter or have safety. watching clouds swing north from the west of us...
Indeed. Staff well being is the responsibility of the employer during working hours. However if accommodation is provided as part of their employment then one would think it should be fit for purpose and cyclone rated. To what degree however is another matter.
Its an arguable point and Im sure lawyers would have a field day with.
Wish everyone a safe end to Debbie, I dont envy those in her path.
Doesn't sound right we weren't allowed a cold beer or a swim after work either.. But a 36hr Strike soon fixed that problem.... Lots of strange/unusual Rules when you work on those Resorts... :rolleyes:

I see they were saying Ayre, then all of a sudden it's move 25 000 people out of low areas in Mackay by midnite tonight cause the storm surge could be up to 2 & 1/2 metres above the highest tide mark. :eek:
what Beaches.... :)

The southern side of a cyclone is the most Dangerous Zone....
We lived in Mackay for a while and we got Flooded out from King Tides... no storm surge, just a bloody high tide.... This is going to be Real bad.. worse than Yassi... Debbie will hit a more populated area..... There are some Resorts in the Whitsundays that have never been rebuilt from Yassi.... Sitting there in ruins....

silver said:
I see they were saying Ayre, then all of a sudden it's move 25 000 people out of low areas in Mackay by midnite tonight cause the storm surge could be up to 2 & 1/2 metres above the highest tide mark. :eek:

Also phone a friend to do so, obviously can't be complacent but becoming a superhero convention for politics much. I genuinely hope no one suffers, this time.
Sad news folks,

One death already, lady in car accident caused by the severe weather in the Proserpine area. They are calling it a cyclone death.

The Whitsundies will cop a flogging.

We are sitting up here in Townsville with just moderate winds still. By morning we may even get some rain.

Thinking of them all.

Stay safe Doug ..................... have a friend with a cane farm at Sarina and about all one can do is batten down the hatches then clean up the mess.

Lonewolf will be same set up as the mines I should imagine ................... confined to their accommodation to a point then if and when conditions exceeds that there is usually a muster point pre arranged. In the mines if your found outside your hut during these times it's a window seat straight home .............. all part of work health care and safety rules.
Thanks Bogger. I knew someone would have an idea.... The Islands are just as Tough as the Mines by the sounds of it.... :(

What's wrong with just drive the hell outa there a couple of hours and head north if cyclone is heading south what for maybe the day ? okay an island is a little bit different.
Problem is these things are very unpredictable... By the time you get prepared and leave there will be No Petrol available cause of power outage... Most roads will be cut due to floods and no food/Water for Days... unless you Prepare Early...Like last Week...... A couple of hrs north or south wont' make much Difference... you could still find that you are in the Danger zone....

Hang on to your Hat Rockhunter62... Big Wind Coming.... :)

Bogger watch out for the Tail Sweeping across your Area after Landfall.. Predicted course shows Remains shall linger for a few Days and Lots of Flooding.... 8)

My Models...especially the Brunette, says it will be a Cat 5 by Morning.... ]:D ]:D

Here's the 3am Bowen 256 radar image.

and the forecast track

still pulling in moisture from behind itself, and that system below it still holding it up, gunna make it come in and seem to hover for a while raining itself out I recon.
Hi all,

I hope that if any of you are watching the cyclone coverage on tv that you do not go by what these journalists are saying about the buildings up here built after 1985 are cat 5 cyclone rated. That is incorrect, they are built to cat 3 rating and if you want it any better than that expect to pay mightly for it. These people have no idea what they are saying.

I know that people have a job to do but all these journalist should get the "Darwin Award". These are normally handed out posthumously. They should not let these idiots into these areas.

Just my thoughts.

