Crazy Lenghts to Find Gold!!!!

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 20, 2013
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Central Vic'ish, VIC
What crazy lengths have you gone to find gold?
Carried your high banker for miles and miles,
Fought snakes and black berries,
Dug around inch ants nests for the sweet sounding target on your detector?
Tell us your story, all for a good laugh
Yesterday a property owner and myself used the tow bar of my ute and 30feet of 8 strand shipping rope to access the side of a hill that had washed out some years ago to dig out part of an old wash line, completely unsuccessful exercise, we haven't given up yet though!! :lol:
Walked and test panned 30km of the mary river to find 5specs 3 of them were floaters.....bed ridden for 3days from tick bite. 8.(
I went back to an ant's nest after bitten by two and having to drop my daks to get them off.

All for a bit of lead.

Lucky it was winter and they were few and slow.
So im detecting this day out at Stuart town when all of a sudden, the bush came alive with every kangaroo this side of the great divide.... and they were heading my way.
There in front of me was an old timers hole, about 4.5' deep with steep walls, more like a well than a dig hole. So i jumped on it thinking id be safe from collision with one of the many frightened freight trains on rout. It then dawned on me if one fell in here with me it could be an ugly scene. So panicking some i battled my way out of the hole losing my boot in the process, looking down at my boot and up at them, and back at my boot came the word... B@stard!!.... no time for that now as they were jumping clean over me and pressure was building in the rear of my dax . I headed for the nearest tree for cover as they bound passed me at the rate of knots. Trailing behind me still attached was my metal detector via the power lead, no time for that either as i feel it snag on things near pulling the harness from my back... must keep running or be barreled to the ground by roos, or worst still, whatever it is thats making them run for their lives. Thats when my bootless foot picked up the pace. Legs don't fail me now ffs... the last remaining T-rex will earn his dinner if that be me. I pulled up behind a large tree and let the detector catch up and take a quick peak at the dinosaur my mind had me thinking was looking for a feed. By this time the last of the pack was passing by and my bindy ridden bootless foot complained due to the many other items collected on our venture.

There it was :eek: the death that was to be me due to the image my mind had painted thought this short, by lengthy ordeal. A fox pup trying to catch up to the pack and making that hideous sound that resembles a Tasmanian devil....With a trembling leg, hands on knees, gasping for breath, dribbling, coughing up stuff and blowing snot bubbles i manged the little b@stard. :|
I was out past Hepburn years ago on fairly dry creek with small pools of water where i was crevicing. As i moved down the creek looking for a likely spot
i found a fence crossing the creek, i thought, what the hell and passed under it to get further downstream. After working crevices for a few hours i decided to cut back
across a field to get back to the car and as i started off i could hear a rumbling. I was thinking Sh#*t! a Bull! and started running as the car was only 2 or 3 hundred yards over the hill.
As i got to the top of the hill the rumbling got louder, i looked to my right and all i could see were long fluffy brown and fawn necks with fluffy long heads on top... Alpacas! I though i was ok untill they spotted me, they then took off after me. i was 100 yards away from the fence running downhill, as i got to the fence i unhooked
my pack and threw it over with these bloody things in hot pursuit. I jumped over the fence and stood defiant next to my car covered in mud as the half a dozen alpacas lined up at the fence snorting at me. Thinking i had won the day, i opened the tailgate to get changed and looked over my shoulder, as i did i copped a massive spit ball in the ear..
Narrawa said:
So im detecting this day out at Stuart town when all of a sudden, the bush came alive with every kangaroo this side of the great divide.... and they were heading my way.
There in front of me was an old timers hole, about 4.5' deep with steep walls, more like a well than a dig hole. So i jumped on it thinking id be safe from collision with one of the many frightened freight trains on rout. It then dawned on me if one fell in here with me it could be an ugly scene. So panicking some i battled my way out of the hole losing my boot in the process, looking down at my boot and up at them, and back at my boot came the word... B@stard!!.... no time for that now as they were jumping clean over me and pressure was building in the rear of my dax . I headed for the nearest tree for cover as they bound passed me at the rate of knots. Trailing behind me still attached was my metal detector via the power lead, no time for that either as i feel it snag on things near pulling the harness from my back... must keep running or be barreled to the ground by roos, or worst still, whatever it is thats making them run for their lives. Thats when my bootless foot picked up the pace. Legs don't fail me now ffs... the last remaining T-rex will earn his dinner if that be me. I pulled up behind a large tree and let the detector catch up and take a quick peak at the dinosaur my mind had me thinking was looking for a feed. By this time the last of the pack was passing by and my bindy ridden bootless foot complained due to the many other items collected on our venture.

There it was :eek: the death that was to be me due to the image my mind had painted thought this short, by lengthy ordeal. A fox pup trying to catch up to the pack and making that hideous sound that resembles a Tasmanian devil....With a trembling leg, hands on knees, gasping for breath, dribbling, coughing up stuff and blowing snot bubbles i manged the little b@stard. :|

Too funny Narrawa. Running from roos. LOL :D Great story.
I know the Australian wildlife can be terrifying at times, you guys seriously crack me up.... Now i have to add Roos and Alpacas to the already ominous list of dangerous deadly Australian creatures.
Also convinced myself that there was gold in a particular spot of a creek. When i went to investigate i found a dead roo near by and the whole area smelt putred.
should have kept moving on, but oh no, i wanted to know what was under a boulder.
i spent a good 15 minuts busting my back moving a boulder. Digging in contaminated soil and stagnant water in 35 day, down wind from the dead roo.
And for what? Nothing. Nothing but a sore back.
Bloody gold fever. Gets the better of me.
I touched on one part of this back a bit.
Got a bit bored one day so loaded up and went prospecting. Headed up to a spot on Dr George near Bega where there is a run of diggings along the side of the hill.
Got down to business with the trusty gt1600 and was happily pinging the usual targets when BAM. Bloody Death Adder latched onto the coil just in front of me.
Got a bit edgy about this so spent a good hour raking off all the leaf litter finding 2 more.
Bloody snakes. Grrrr
Then I had this brilliant idea. The diggings some of them were not that shallow, about 4 feet deep so I clambered down into one only to find another bloody snake in there with me. Stuff the snake so I hooked him out and settled down to detecting the bottom of this hole. I could not figure out why the detector was drifting so much and put it down to just me being pissed about finding more snakes about. I pinged a target and with a mighty swing into the hard packed dirt, Jammed my pick into the dirt. Jammed it solid. As I was trying to lever it out I happened to notice a movement a along under where I was standing.
Strange. I managed to get the pick out and drove it in again. Straight through the old rotting board just under the surface and when I lifted the board up looking for the target, looked straight down into inky blackness. :eek:
Bloody capped mine shaft and very deep. 8)
I grew wings. :lol:
Ever seen a bloke hanging upside down on the side of a hole. :p
The detector was telling me there was a void and it was going out of balance. I was not running in auto mode
Did almost the same thing up near the Southern Star Mine near Bendoc only I seen the ground around me start to crack and sink with me in the middle. :eek:
Hate Snakes, :mad:
Hate standing over deep dark holes. :eek:
Good story fella, i enjoyed that.

Got a little snake story myself from working one of my patches out at Burrendong here in NSW.
The day before the event i pinged a few nice ones in this spot just east of my 11g patch, i called it that because the best bit was 11grams.
Anyways, i dropped off a few friends just before my spot and left them to their own, i walked on right to the very spot to continue on from the day before, when this dirty big red belly slid into the picture...right over the spot of interest. Flattened his head out and just sat there, he must have just shed his skin because he was all shiny and looked brand new.
I kicked up a few sticks and dirt but it sat there claiming the spot and was not interested in my carry on. Not to far from me were to blokes in a small tinny doing a spot of fishing in the calmer waters, nothing out of the ordinary for this location.
I let lose a few noises hoping to scare it off, but it refused to move on. So me being me took the spoked part of the old 16" fiberglass NF Super-light coil coupled to my 4k and gently lifted the rs end of the snake in order to move it on a tad. Well just as i got its tail through the spoke of the coil, it struck at the coil, missing altogether and ending up tangled in the spokes of the first reaction was to toss the i did....but i forgot about the bungy cord. The feken thing came back at me as you would expect it to. Seeing this i let out a girly cry trying to un hook my self from the tether, while the poor bloody snake had no idea which way was up. All this caught the attention of the two blokes fishing. I was doing the spider dance with a snake rapped round me Fn detector and was unable to shake it off while making childish noises and stamping my feet. I must have made their day, because iv never seen two blokes laugh like that before. :D

Iv had a few run-ins with snakes over the years, but i learned much from this one. ;)
Greglz86 said:
My snuffer bottle come open and emptied my first days gold into my pocket. Had to strip down and dip my pants into a pan to get it back.
was a bit cold that day. :8

Technical term,
Scrotumus retractivitus,
Bad situation mate. 8)