Captain Cooks ship appears to have been found - HMS Endeavour

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Dec 16, 2013
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ONE of the greatest maritime mysteries of all time could be solved with the apparent discovery of HMS Endeavour the ship James Cook captained on the first voyage by British explorers to Australia.

Marine archaeologists are expected to announce a breakthrough in the 25-year search for the historic 250-year-old vessel on Friday.

Its believed the ships final resting place is in Newport Harbour, off Rhode Island on the northeast coast of the US. The search has been narrowed down to an area just off the Goat Island shore near Gurneys Resort.

Archaeologists from the Australian National Maritime Museum (ANMM) and the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) will release full details of their findings and a 3D photogrammetric image of the site in a press conference at Newport Harbour later this week.

But the origins of the ship cant be confirmed until its remnants are excavated - which researchers expect will happen next year.

Wow!....Have been watching the show ..'the Pacific, in the wake of Captain Cook' on foxtel monday nights.So the timing very apt. What a hell find that would be.. alas, I wonder how much of it would be recoverable after all this time.
reefer said:
Wow!....Have been watching the show ..'the Pacific, in the wake of Captain Cook' on foxtel monday nights.So the timing very apt. What a hell find that would be.. alas, I wonder how much of it would be recoverable after all this time.
They would have stripped it of anything useful before sinking it, and I imagine the wood has gone, so probably not a lot.

Anything would be interesting though...
A mate of mine is building a replica and when I told him the news today I thought he was going to burst into tears.
Hope there is something left for him to see in the future.
Mackka :Y:
AussieChris said:
Amusing the Yanks want to put their hands up for it :Y:
I guess it is part of their history too (the War of Independence) - "Captain John Brisbane, determined to blockade the bay by sinking surplus vessels at its mouth. Between 3 and 6 August a fleet of Royal Navy and hired craft, including Lord Sandwich 2, were scuttled at various locations in the Bay. Lord Sandwich 2, previously Endeavour, previously Earl of Pembroke, was sunk on 4 August 1778". Also, the US Space Shuttle Endeavour is named after the ship

There are some remains - Australia has six of her cannon and her keel, and her anchor also exists.

A replica of Endeavour was launched in 1994 and is berthed alongside the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney Harbour.