Beach, Park, Relic hunting Shovels / Spades - information and questions

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Yep, That R&D is the Killer, It when you consider that say a Dozen folks have sat in and office for 18 months just trying to get each part of the software to talk to each other and work then it has to be put in to production and then Field Tested, And Bought back and Tweaked again that costs Big Bucks and it mounts up paying those 12 lots of Pay for 18 months plus the Parts and power bills etc, That's not a Bill I would like to Pay,

SteelPat said:
BlakeGarv, I think you are missing the point. This all comes down to pure economics.

One thing you have to remember (and I am not saying that perhaps you are paying a little for the Minelab name) is that its not just about the cost of the electronics. I have worked in the electronics game for nearly all my life and I know exactly how much the electronics would cost.
But what you havent taken in to account is the cost of R&D. The cost of getting the enclosures designed and the associated tooling of machines. I have a friend who workes for a company who worked on the Go Find enclosures. A lot of money was invested there alone. There is also the associated legal costs of patents and (as we all know) the vigorous defending of those patents. Advertising and the list goes on.

These are not a volume product where you have a small profit but huge turnover to re-coup costs. If you have a look at the actual cost of steel and plastic in a modern car, it is about 1/5 or less than the actual price you pay for one. Electronic components are cheap. Very cheap. But what goes in to the design etc has to be paid for to have a viable company that will continue to operate in the future.

The same goes for your original comment on Goldsearch. If you want a business to stay in business, they have to make money. It seems everyone wants something for nothing.

Now on the CTX comment - I am pretty sure the processor is fast enough. The programming of that chip may not be up to what you are expecting but I am sure the electronics themselves are fast enough.

if the electronics were fast enough to process things you wouldnt have numbers jumping all over the place when you scan something under the ground .the other thing is if it was fast enough you would be able to make a clean sweep of 4 coins in a line without missing some which you cannot do with the ctx unless you scan snail pace im sorry but im going to have to disagree with you .

yes i realise there is other costs involved but surely its not that much of a cost that they have to charge $2700 for a dam metal detector .i mean if you gonna charge $2700 for a metal detector make sure its sealed properly and dosnt get water in the battery compartment .make sure the machines recovery speed is up to par before releasing it and make sure its light .

i know i may seem like im complaining alot but i know at least 40 people who had the ctx and have sold it because its recovery was either to slow ,they were missing targets ,it kept getting water in the battery compartment or it was just to heavy for them to carry .i dont know i guess im just really dissapointed in minelab ive always supported them and for them to charge customers such rediculas prices for machines that dont live up to the hype just dissapointed me .but thats just my opinion and i guess everyone on here is entitled to thier own opinion so i wont argue with people .
but yeh im just glad i got the deus when i did i used to argue with people who had the deus all the time saying the ctx was better and everything then i got the deus and all i can say is wow .so light weight ,so fast, and when i make my own programs i dont feel like i need to be a rocket scientist to do it .i just love the deus so much if i had the money id have 2 of the things such a special machine :).

but yeh sorry if i ranted guys everyone is entitled to thier own opinion so no hard feelings .
blakegarv said:
but yeh im just glad i got the deus when i did i used to argue with people who had the deus all the time saying the ctx was better and everything then i got the deus and all i can say is wow .so light weight ,so fast, and when i make my own programs i dont feel like i need to be a rocket scientist to do it .i just love the deus so much if i had the money id have 2 of the things such a special machine :).

but yeh sorry if i ranted guys everyone is entitled to thier own opinion so no hard feelings .

It's Alright, You are just stating the issue's you have come up against, We just have to remember ther is no perfect machine because they are set up to suit all user's and not just me, So what I like others may not and some may even hate, I love minelab Products, It's just that they are not Tuned or set up for my Sites, Where Recovery is King, the XP Machines are Recovery Rockets when it comes to Junk Filled Sites, I use Whites because they work at The Speed that Is Right for Me, Would An XP work for me?? Maybe? I would like to give one A Go just to make sure I am Not Missing anything in terms of Abilities Then If Not I would still like to have one as A Machine to keep in the Truck because it has the Power and it is Compact,

the deus is a total beast in trash i couldnt even believe it .you can have the worst site known to man and the deus will see coins in all the litter it truly is amazing .yeh the whites metal detectors have got me intrigued .i wouldnt mind giving one a go .
Do we have a dedicated deus vs ctx thread? I am getting a deus eventually, but would love to know why I shouldnt.
blakegarv said:
the deus is a total beast in trash i couldnt even believe it .you can have the worst site known to man and the deus will see coins in all the litter it truly is amazing .yeh the whites metal detectors have got me intrigued .i wouldnt mind giving one a go .

I Know what you mean About the Deus, When XP first bought out the GoldMaxx Power they were Killing every Machine Sales out there and they were finding things in hunted out Sites after 50 years of Detecting, But for me Whites have Found me Gold the first week out and Many Silver coins from the Last 2000 years, ( I look Good For My Age ) lol.

The Detector Companies have Put their Price's up since New Tech is Built into these New Machines, The ZED over is over $17,500 AUD, So I Won't be Buying one Because it has gone up by $900.00 in the Past 2/3 Months and they say it is because of the exchange rate, But the Aussie Dollar has dropped A lot in the past few Months so that's a Lie, So Why do I have to Pay Over $7000.00 More than every other Country when Irelands Factory is only 150 miles away,

A few Hundred Yeah but Not $7000,00. The CTX is $4111.74 AUD and the SDC is $6583.54 AUD.

rocketaroo said:
Do we have a dedicated deus vs ctx thread? I am getting a deus eventually, but would love to know why I shouldnt.

Start One Mate, They Are Both Hot Property, I will find you any info I can on the Deus and any other of their Machines.

Hi guys im just wondering if there is a australia supplier of metal detecting shovels like the lesche spades i tried gold search but they only have the 18inch and im looking for something a bit longer .Thanks to everyone who has helped me in my previous topic .I appreciate it .
I recently picked up this shovel/plug cutter from South Africa, all stainless construction and looks to be of good quality. The cost was around $60au, with the shipping a bit of a killer at $58au, but still competitive with other similar brands/models, if not a bit cheaper. I did look at the Tyger shovel, though the handle height was a little short for me, with this one being about 12cm longer, and just the right height for me. It was purchased off ebay and took about two weeks for delivery.

Still to use it in anger, and it will only be reserved for scrappier locations vs parks and manicured lawns. :)




Yes, very similar. Did you get yours fabricated locally, there was a mob advertising on here a while back?
Yes it is the one that was advertised on here. I went to the shop and they will only make them if they get an order of ten or none. I talked the lady into selling me the shop display one. ;)
Then one day when I was out with Rocket and Dave, I left it leaning on the side of my car and drove away. 8.( :mad:
Left mine in a tree once, drove all the way home...ah bugger! I was lucky it was still there. The genuine nato green folding army ones are great, if you think they are too wide, trim them a little.