Bad times coming

Prospecting Australia

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Aug 22, 2013
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HippyProspecting said:
That was some intense reading outback

Pleased you bothered to read it ' more power to you :Y:

Have always likes this :
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, youll be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. (Rudyard Kipling in 1935)

Also this one: Do the things you really want to do if you possibly can. Dont wait for circumstances to be exactly right. Youll find that they never are.

Jack ,
Mike678 said:
Buy Bitcoin !

Bitcoin is too expensive, there is not enough available and turning it back in to cash seem difficult.

Bank interest is almost non existent. I make more money by not paying bank fees n charges than if I was earning the current interest and paying fees.
Adrian ss said:
Mike678 said:
Buy Bitcoin !

Bank interest is almost non existent. I make more money by not paying bank fees n charges than if I was earning the current interest and paying fees.

I'm getting 1% with no fees or charges, that's with Westpac. It's 1% more than I have this year and costs me nothing. :Y:
Gpx5000 said:
Adrian ss said:
Mike678 said:
Buy Bitcoin !

Bank interest is almost non existent. I make more money by not paying bank fees n charges than if I was earning the current interest and paying fees.

I'm getting 1% with no fees or charges, that's with Westpac. It's 1% more than I have this year and costs me nothing. :Y:

Rabobank is paying up to 1.75 % this week but only for the first 250 k

ANZ pay me absolutely zero

The security of Bitcoin in an era where world war 3 is possible ?

No thanks . nukes will wipe out electronic infrastructure. Your thumb drive with $ 30 million worth of bitcoin would then be worth between $ 8 and zero.
I have to disagree, zero interest rates will get peoples savings moving to new investments, shares , rental property ,commodities or new small businesses.

There's plenty of shares out there returning 5 or more %PA and no fees.

China will still source all the commodities it may not be from Australia but where ever it is it will leave a big hole in another market that Australia can fill.

If these corona vaccines work i can see the world playing catch up and will cause a mini boom not to mention all the lock down produced babies that will follow.

Australian agriculture hasn't had a future this bright since the start of the mechanical era.

I for one refuse to go into depression worrying about someone's speculation of bad times ahead, for our economy to withstand the last 12 months gives me great confidence in Australia's ability to thrive, i take my hat off to the leaders of this country through the bushfires ,storms and corona and i am super glad to be in Australia in times like this.

If you want to live a long happy life stop watching the news , stop reading newspapers and focus on things closer to home that you may actually have some chance of controlling.
aussiefarmer said:
I for one refuse to go into depression worrying about someone's speculation of bad times ahead, for our economy to withstand the last 12 months gives me great confidence in Australia's ability to thrive, i take my hat off to the leaders of this country through the bushfires ,storms and corona and i am super glad to be in Australia in times like this.

AF I think the last 5-10 years
Now on a more serious note there is a rumour going around the traps in the mining game China is about to stop all Aussie iron ore imports, now this country has been riding the back of the iron ore boom for a generation and with it gone at the stroke of a pen watch the cookies crumble, bank fail and worst of all a bailin to prop up the bank. A bailin is where bank account are wiped clean and taken over by the bank the account was in just so the bank boss's can still reap the huge payout before they bail this country.

This country will soon be a basket case and one of my best friends told me Indonesia is where he is headed to live before this country implodes and he said two weeks ago when he left it won't be very long until it happens
"The sky is falling" cried Chicken Little.

The media loves creating panic - bad news sells. For example, China is playing with quite a small $ amount with our exports. They have not stopped importing coal, they have only stopped importing thermal coal, which is only a small part of our coal exports to them (a few billion, not $13). More than 80 per cent of Australias iron ore exports go to China - so yes we would be sensitive there if they shut off overnight. However that accounts for 60 per cent of Chinas supply, so they would have to be undergoing economic collapse to do it. They could do it over a few years, probably at some economic costs to themselves, but not overnight - it takes time for others to ramp up our production levels, put train-lines to their coasts etc. And exactly what do we lose - mostly tax and royalties (not insignificant of course), but relatively min or employment (more than 70% of western economies now are service industries). In terms of export income, of our three largest 'Australian' miners, foreign ownership accounts for 75% of BHP-Billiton, over 80% of Rio Tinto and 100% of Xstrata. And of course who is big on the Brazilian iron ore scene - BHP-Billiton.


I am not suggesting that it is not a worry, things are going to be less rosy here for some time, but things are not as obvious as they seem. China's population will not peak for at least another 10 years, but in hand with that is its economic growth as the standard of living of its people continues to grow. China continues to be the only economy in the world to show positive growth in 2020 as its GDP is predicted to expand "The world's second largest economy expanded 4.9% in the July-to-September quarter compared to a year ago, according to government statistics released Monday. The pace was quicker than the 3.2% increase that China recorded in the second quarter, when it managed to avoid the pandemic-fueled recession that has gripped much of the globe". Even our own estimates of China show good positive growth (theirs might be a bit shaky) worst estimates for 2020 being 1.9 percent this year, consistent with remote sensing that indicates that they really do have covid under control, and have kept their economy running. They cannot turn off the taps on coal, iron ore and food overnight. Although we like to present Belt and Road as some sinister world takeover, it is clearly primarily a fairly desperate attempt to ensure adequate resource supply for a growing China in the future (the negatives are consequences that we view as unfavourable because it increases Chinese economic importance relative to the USA on the world stage as a consequence).

Now where do I live - is it some largely snow and ice-free island in the Pacific, that produces the second-largest amount of gold in the world, that has no covid and at present one of the world's best economies, where the governments have tried to behave rationally, with some success and bipartisanship, and where people have not had to recover from major wars and invasion (apologies to indigenous people, I am aware of history)?

Perhaps I should emigrate to Indonesia, because it is so much better....? I think I will just stay here and work with my fellow Australians to fix any problems as they arise. Because overall I like them and the way they do things.
So i guess the one child policy won't be back on the agenda (incredibly cruel as it was).
I would like to ask your educated view goldirocks of what if we stopped exporting iron ore to china as they rely on it so much.
I mean our other exports recently are obviously insignificant as i'm feeling that's how we have been viewed by china for a long time now it's just becoming more obvious to more australians (we may have been riding the pigs back for a few years now).
Note: If you already explained it in previous post please dumb it down for me respectfully :)

edit:I think some want to contemplate are we invadeable if we smack a spoilt child and are we even capable of smacking to begin with.

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