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Prospecting Australia

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Oct 27, 2013
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I'm so excited about my very first trip out beach detecting this Saturday that I'm humming "Yo-ho, yo-ho, it's a pirate's life for me..."

I've chosen the X-TERRA 305 as my first detector. I wanted the EuroAce but it was out of stock. If I uncover any booty among the trash I'll post some pics.
good luck i hope you find the bounty....

definitely let us know how you get on, i am heading out in a few weeks for my first beach visit, here's hoping i find plenty of treasure too. :)
Thanks Bren, I hope so too! I also go geocaching so this is a win-win activity for me. I love finding things.

After reading another thread on this forum about the dangers of night detecting, i dont think i'll be trying that anytime soon. some of the stories are shocking. I never knew some people were that hostile to those detecting. Jez, you'd think they'd mind their own business.

Maybe i should go detecting in my zombie costume so nobody will come near me haha.
Leah - good luck. Funny you should mention geocaching. I have found two by mistake while prospecting. One near Dunolly Victoria on a goldfield (recently) and the other at the Wandilo Railway siding near Mt Gambier SA (years ago). I put my name on the list and how I found them and put them back. Must be good fun.
haha, that's funny! yeah geocaching is a lot of fun. some of the caches are so cleverly designed and hidden. you never know what swag you'll find. it's an addictive hobby as well.