Anyone using a Samsung S20 in the bush ??

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Dec 16, 2015
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my iphone 6s is not as good as my mates Samsung S10 for picking up weak phone signal in outback WA , so wondering if Anyone using a Samsung S20 in the bush ??
Telstra sales assure me the Samsung S20`s 5g phones have much stronger arials and will be much better even on 4G network in the bush

Can any of you confirm this ?

cheers Dave

ps dont need to hear stories about car booster arial systems , just wanna know if the 5G phones pull better reception thanks
Telstra is number one option apart from satellite phones.
Often you will get better reception at night out there.
I had a cheap button phone a few years ago out there that would out a mates new Samsung at the time...
Always take a back up phone and SIM card but.
10fp said:
Telstra sales assure me the Samsung S20`s 5g phones have much stronger arials and will be much better even on 4G network in the bush

That sounds like a fairy story to me. 5G is a short-range system that requires many more base stations than are necessary with 3G and 4G, so why would 5G phones have "much stronger" aerials? From their own map, Telstra's 5G coverage of Perth is woefully patchy (and it's not a hilly place), whereas the entire city is blanketed by 4G (

Personally, I wish they'd bring back CDMA for the countryside - small handsets that had remarkable range compared to the lame 3G/4G network.
Grubstake has it right..

A good read:

When Will 5G Come Out?
You cant use a 5G network everywhere just yet because the rollout is basically still starting for most companies. You can get 5G in heavily populated areas but not in most cities or rural communities. This means even if you have a 5G phone, there are huge areas of the country where you can't get 5G-level service.
10fp said:
you guys are totally missing the point , this is not about the 5G network

As per the thread title I'd say the replies are a convincing NO. Is the S20 a new phone specifically developed for 5G if the answer is yes then your mate was spun a yarn by the sounds of it given the explanations of the 5G capabilities.
as in how a 4G phone still works on 3G, I have been told that 5G phones will still operate on 4G as well. I think this is what 10fp is getting at.
personally, I dont give a rats arse about phone signal. I leave my phone in the car & actually enjoy seeing the signal disappear as I get further out.
I see where this is going, but I know what the OP means.

He is trying to find out if a 4G capable S20 gets as good or better coverage if its the S20 4/5G model on the 4G network.

I believe the answer partly is the 4g capabilities from the s10 to the most recent releases is the same.

Assuming recent 4g samsung androids are fine, then Im going to say the 20 will be too. The s20 should perform the same as the S10 which as youve pointed to already is better than i6.

You could just get the S20 4G only unless you wanted the 5G capability.

Any ehancement would be down to processor not aerial.

Then as others have pointed out the 5G aerial makes no difference to 4G coverage, range, or signal.

this is a snapshot of the Telstra combined 4G/3G coverage over most of S/West & the WA goldfields.
These maps dont guarantee that signal will be consistent over these areas