Another in the Hunter

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hunter valley, NSW
Hi all, pretty new to the whole detecting scene. Have been interested for some time and have now taken the plunge with the Sovereign GT. Have always had an interest in all sorts of fossicking. Have done a little panning in the Nundle area and spent time looking for opals and sapphires and other gems. Look forward to learning more from those with more experience.
You made it, welcome :). Whereabouts in the Hunter Valley are you from?

The forums quite new as you can see but we are growing everyday :D. If you want to catch up for a swing someday when you get your detector let me know, we have a few guys on here from the Valley.
Yep made it at last. Just sent you a PM elsewhere. Bought the Sovereign a couple of weeks ago so all ready for a swing. Done a few local areas and Nobbys once or twice. Not far from you. In the Singleton area
Thanks Nugget, Duck and Blue. Looks like a great site with a great future. Good to meet like minded people in a friendly, informative environment.