Andersons Creek Warrandyte Gold Memorial Trail Victoria information and questions

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Jul 15, 2015
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Gday I'm heading out this weekend for my first time panning...I'm looking to head out somewhere close like Andersons Creek....does anyone know if I should head upstream or down willing to hike 30-45 mins. ...any info would be great :)
Yeh I have been told it's been hammered over the years...not looking for much just a bit of color...I might look into jumping creek
I've been to Andersons once. Had a few hours to kill so stopped off at the carpark and had a dig (right where people say you are wasting your time basically).found a 1/2 gram nugget, and a fair few flakes.

The creek has been worked for years and years, dredged top to bottom, but there's still gold there. I guess its still shedding out of the hills as well over time?

Wander upstream, do a few test pans, and have a dig - you never know.
Headed down to the creek today...panned for the first time for about 2 hours....found some colour! Only 5 specks but very please and keen to learn more! How do I post photos on here?
you need 10 posts, and then you can do piccys

dig dig dig. now you are hooked you need a sluice. it will increase your output. :)

I headed out today too. river fecken freezing. feet and hands finally have feeling again, like 4 hours later...

have decided the sluice at the end of the Highbanker unnecessary. its not losing anything. you gotta check though right!

Better get posting and digging then! Haha wow nice set up and gold sniffy!? Did you set that up at Andersons today ? Bloody cold!
gold420 said:
Better get posting and digging then! Haha wow nice set up and gold sniffy!? Did you set that up at Andersons today ? Bloody cold!

no I was out North west melbourne poking around, at andersons you are only allowed to pan or sluice.

I found some nice sized bits, just not enough of them! and yep it was super cold - not helped by me slipping on a rock and into the water about 5 mins after I arrived.
Sniffy I like the idea of the sluice off the end of the high banker.. I have same high banker and place my sieve in my garret pan and catch out flow, unfortunately I have found gold in my run off :eek:
I generaly head toward Vaughn springs but not much water running at the moment.

Nice pieces there sniffy. Well done

Keep trying gold420, try and get down to the bedrock if possible doesn't have to be a big hole.
If you find color from the small hole then your not wasting your time :)
Oh yeh.. Don't forget to back fill..
Cheers RR
Rambling rude said:
Sniffy I like the idea of the sluice off the end of the high banker.. I have same high banker and place my sieve in my garret pan and catch out flow, unfortunately I have found gold in my run off :eek:
I generaly head toward Vaughn springs but not much water running at the moment.

right then - the sluice will go back in behind it! I haven't caught it out yet, but not keen to lose any of that G - its too hard earned!

Highbanker has only had 3 trips out so far, but using Wal's idea for cutting slots into my spraybay I get some really clean washed rocks. Best result seems to be holding the shovel in the box over the waterflow for a few secs and it doesn't overload the 1st trays mesh. some advantage in lifting that spraybar up after all. The Honda GXH50 is juuuust stitting above idle and get a really nice flood of water - And its fuel efficient running so slow.

Walbanker is the next project!
Cheers rambling rude! I have found color in the bedrock and mud on the edge of the banks each time...not much at all tho! I'm thinking further upstream and deeper holes! And I should get more specks in the pan :)
gold420 said:
Cheers rambling rude! I have found color in the bedrock and mud on the edge of the banks each time...not much at all tho! I'm thinking further upstream and deeper holes! And I should get more specks in the pan :)
Definitely dig down a bit 2-3 feet or down to bedrock or down to clay if there's a bit there. But read and watch as much as you can eg YouTube as there is some great advice out there from people that have been doing it for years. My grandparents parents also found a bit around Dixon Cr and yea river/ creek just after Dixon Cr . Anyway best of luck it's a great hobby
So I had to take the step son to see his dad yesterday... as I had to drive quite a distance anyway I suggested changing the handover location so I could sneak off down to Warrandyte for some panning. There were a few people there so I figured I'd take a walk first (I prefer a bit of solitude for my prospecting).
Headed off and made ended up taking the Gold Memorial walk which took me past a number of the old diggings/shafts. It was great seeing the old locations but frustrating that a number of the information panels had either been broken/removed or simply not put in place.



(Geraghty's Tunnel (I walked a little way in... there's a solid metal door a little futher in... according to the lady I spoke with it used to be completely open and she took her daughter through it... I guess they partly sealed it for safety.)

In regards the panning... I noted the sign near the car park at Andersons Creek stated "only between Orange markers" I spotted a lady with an insignia on her shirt and asked if she worked there... she said she was actually from land care (who were doing some planting and such along the entrance road I think)... I asked her if she knew where the markers were as I wanted to do the right thing... she informed me that they had blown away a long time ago but that she was fairly sure the area is more or less from the memorial Cairn up to around the car park area (not sure if beyond though that might have been more productive).

(Memorial Cairn)

(Close up of inscription on Memorial Cairn)

I suggested that it might be a good idea for them to maybe have a permanent map in place that has the marker points listed on it so we can stick to our permitted areas... she thought it was a good idea too.


(One of the shafts that remains)

So no gold but a lovely walk and explore around the old diggings.
The tunnel only closed off around 3 years back, and didn't seem dangerous before that. It's a lovely spot and my place backs right onto Fourth Hill. Tried detecting there, but there's so much trash, so I go to the GT. We also have one of around 20 known breeding pairs of the endangered Powerful Owl in Melbourne's East. Hear their double hoots between 2 and 4am some mornings and sometimes watch them hunting during early twilight hours. Saw one recently get a sugar glider, but didn't intercede (poor thing). It's only one of the reasons that I like the bush though - the others include: living in the absence from modern human lunacy, fresh air, landscapes, flora, fauna and gold.:)