Aint Mother Nature grand.

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Nov 14, 2014
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Yarram, VIC
I got home from work last night just on dark & wandered down through the orchard to lock the chook pen for the night.
On my way I disturbed some Indian Mynahs that were trying to roost in one of the fruit trees. (I hate Indian Mynhas :mad: ) In the gathering dark they flew away toward a cypress tree out in the paddock. I then caught a flash of something flying past that looked like a hawk but because it was nearly dark I wasn't sure. It was closely tracking the I.M's. A second later I heard the unmistakable screeching of an Indian Mynha in trouble. I crept towards the sound & out in the paddock I could just make out a large hawk sitting on top of an I.M.
The Mynha was screeching madly. As I said I hate I.M. & I love all the raptors so I was more than happy with the outcome.
As I watched I caught a flash of something red & the hawk flew off & landed in a tree beside me. A nearby fox had heard the Mynha screeching & rushed in for a free feed disturbing the hawk.
The two of us (me & the hawk) watched the fox out in the paddock but because of the darkness I don't know if the fox got the I.M. or it got away between the hawk leaving & the fox arriving.
Lucky I was locking the chook pen. :Y:
I love nature.
It's amazing what we miss out on in life by being so busy with "things". As one of the Roadhouses up to Cape York says-"Why not stop and smell the Roses"... :Y:
Exactly Jaros.
I leave for work in the dark & get home in the dark & it makes me wonder what happens during the day when I'm not around to witness it.
Come the weekends & I'm mowing lawns, feeding cows, cutting wood etc. so I miss it all then too. "Stop & smell the roses". :Y:

Jaros said:
It's amazing what we miss out on in life by being so busy with "things". As one of the Roadhouses up to Cape York says-"Why not stop and smell the Roses"... :Y:

Ya wouldn't wanna stop and smell the white roses on the Nullarbor Jaros!
Spot on HR can't beat a life lesson when it comes to wildlife :Y:. This magpie we raised about eight years ago and released him now he comes in every morning through winter wanting a feed (don't mind scruffy old me, it was early this morning) and jumps on my shoulder to come inside and supervise the service :Y: :lol:.
Coz the 'white roses' are bits of tissue paper and toilet paper strewn all along the roadside, especially the stopover spots.
Some of the most memorable things in our travels have been Mother Nature turning it on, a pod of dolphins herding salmon in the surf and picking them off on the west coast of SA, the whales in the Bight breaching, an osprey swooping down and taking a small bream I had just returned to the water in Lake Tyers Vic, just to mention a few.

A cave system i went into this year,Paradise cave, an A380 would
fit into it, massive, the stalagmite was about 50' tall.
Phong Nha Vietnam .The cave system goes for about
30 km and apparently only discovered 12 odd years ago,
by a British explorer. This part of Vietnam was the most
heavily bombed, Dong Hoi, not far away was flattened.
I work in this area once a year.
I remember late one night my cousins and myself were driving to Sydney along the Hume highway when a goanna ran out in front of the car and right behind him was a fox in hot pursuit.The goanna was a shock but when the fox appeared it was like "gee that's something you don't see every day."