Action Thread about HighBanking in NSW

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Ok this is maybe one solution
so the law states that you cant have a pump hooked up to a highbanker as that is illegal no grey area there now
it is ok to pump water from the river
so there for if it is not connected to the highbanker and only used as a hose like you would hose your garden then it should be fine remembering that its not connected to any thing
i am sure we could adjust our bankers to do this i know i can with mine
shoot me down or build me up its just a maybe this will work maybe this way is legal
Been thinking along the sane lines...imagine your Garden hose is your pump and hose with water coming out of the end... Direct water into a Hopper style Box on top of your highb oops Sluice... the pump is not connected to the Sluice so you are with-in the Law... Just like filling a bucket... if I could draw a pic on a computer I would..

i know how you feel i cant draw ether
i think it would work
two people would be easy one holds the hose the other digs and swap over every now and then
however one could work it out as well
star piquet in the ground hose attached to that directed into the hopper simple and easy
Ok Don't Laugh... First Effort...


I could be wrong but I think you could still be said to be using the water out of the hose to 'process' while it is being mechanically drawn from the water source.I see no clause in Article 12 (1) which specifically or otherwise mention the word 'Highbanker' or 'Attached to'..its the 'processing' issue using a Pump. petrol, diesel or electric and if the water so gained is used in any way to 'process' I reckon they would nab yer. At least they'd try it on and then the onus would be on us to prove that we are complying with the law..which means Lawyers and money..stress and anxiety...just the sort of thing they want us to go through in their bloody minded and ignorant belligerence.
One of these on the hose will give you a few different spray patterns depending on what sort of material you were running.Such as the shower function for washing gravel and rocks,or maybe the jet function for clayey material.If sluice started to clog up could we throw a full bucket of water through it to clear out the lighter materials?
My understanding is when it comes to highbanking pumps, I can pump so long as the water pumped does not exceed the "High tide mark or highest Flood zone". All water I utilze (only) is returned back to the water table.
If this practice as well as all requirements for fossiking are met then I am OK.
Is there a interest/investment in irrigation licences in NSW that we have missed?
Eldorado said:
One of these on the hose will give you a few different spray patterns depending on what sort of material you were running.Such as the shower function for washing gravel and rocks,or maybe the jet function for clayey material.If sluice started to clog up could we throw a full bucket of water through it to clear out the lighter materials?

...... BUT you are still using motorised / pumped water to pulverise / process the clayey material :/
nucopia said:
We need to gather on mass in one place with our equipment and call in the media.
Defy the BS regulation and get attention and have the media report our position, on why this change of wording should be struck down.
We need to contact business like sluicey gold sluices , Central west Prospecting and any others that benefit from our patronage to get involved.

Now that is the type of protest that will work Nucopia :Y: Over a weekend in a great camping spot with a river or creek that will cope with the numbers and not show signs of damage, bring the whole family, get the kids sluicing/Highbanking and show the media what "Hobby" prospecting/Fossicking is really about. An angle like (oh i forget) that bloke who faced the judge when they were going to take his house for an airport (what was it)? Anyway still a show of numbers but with something to tug at the hearts of the general public. Now that is power. You need the general public and media on side and standard rallying or protests actually put them off. focuson the mum and dad voters. :D SS.
Can you get a permit to pump water from some water courses?
Don't the waterways belong to another mob?

Just asking?
ie, Dirt for parks and wildlife, and water for agriculture and fisheries?
Brother said:
Can you get a permit to pump water from some water courses?
Don't the waterways belong to another mob?

Just asking?
ie, Dirt for parks and wildlife, and water for agriculture and fisheries?
In NSW under Water Legislation fossickers are specifically exempted from being required to have a water permit/license. You can take & use the water but you must meet other lawful fossicking requirements.
Guys I have been reading the different ideas which have been posted, you must keep in mind if you were to go to court and fight a charge the government pockets will be so much deeper than yours.
So I ask this just what dose high-banking mean? What it means to me is this. It allows me to take the water to the dirt and not the dirt to the water. By taking the water to the dirt or work area if you like cuts down on a lot of manual labor. Where as if I was to use a wheelbarrow and take the dirt to the water and dump it in a long-tom or sluice would mean a lot more work. But I would be within the law at this point in time.
Why not do a search to find a town with in a fossicking area that holds an annual festival.
Nundle has an annual "Go for Gold and Chinese festival" at the end of March each year..(not a good example given the restrictions there), but I am sure there are other towns that hold similar events.

We need to approach the organizers at each event and ask them to allow us to put up an information stand and a gold panning booth.
That way we can engage with the public and inform them of the history of gold prospecting how it was done and how it is done now. We show by example how the current armature prospector is also conscious of utilizing the land with out destroying it.

We also need to set up in a convenient location, a few high bankers to show people how they operate as an example and a practical demonstration of what we do when we high bank.
We could pump the water from tubs and wash the dirt through the bankers and recirculate the water, to show how a high banker works in practice.

We do this to spread information and awareness on the changes to the rules and we highlight how it will have a follow on effect in towns that rely on the tourism trade etc Hand out flyers and info sheets etc
We inform and we recruit supporters and we also collect signatures on a petition.

We could replicate this in a few places at different festivals across the state and gather support from the general public for a mass show of protest at a later date.
We have to get the tourists, the towns folk, the local chamber of commerce members, local business people and the media involved over a sustained period.
Our end goal being to build up support for our cause and to shine a spot light on the bureaucratic over reach. It will also build interest and attention on a mass day of defiance, where the media and the public turn out to see the humble "digger" fight the bureaucrat bastards.
We have to catch peoples imagination so they see us as the modern day Eureka diggers, fighting for our rights to be Aussie gold diggers.