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Oct 31, 2013
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So the other week my mate and I were minding our own business metal detecting an old playground (it has long since been removed) site here in Canberra when a very nice young lady approached us. She asked up numerous questions. She then said she worked for ABC Online and asked if we wouldn't mind if she wrote a story on us. She said she saw us detecting and said to herself 'I see a story here' lol.
So if anyone is interested, have a read ;)
Fantastic story alright....looks like you both have a great time..who knows maybe that elusive sovereign must just pop up one day..
Great story ........ nice to see a piece about detecting in your local paper.
I can be your agent ? I take 10% of all finds, coins, relics and royalties. :lol:
Sounds like a better deal I'm currently getting, not sure if my current agent (wifey) would be too happy about this. I have a life time contract with this one, if I break it I loose the lot.... :lol:
Geez I'm slow... I just worked out, the reporters name is 'Penny', after the Australian coin Penny... haha
Heya silver fox, great article! I live in canberra too but am new to detecting, so far I have mostly focused on local parks near home and along areas of ginderra creek. Haven't found any pre decimals yet but have found a fair amount of clad, one and two cent pieces, an antique sprinkler cam shaft head, toy cars, modern badges and what I believe to be a blade from an old plough. My god that was tough to try dig up with a small trowel lol, ended up giving up after hitting loads of large rocks.

Anyway I notice the article mentions palmerville. I have researched the area in the past and thought about going there but found out it is heritage listed, so figured you wernt allowed to dig?

Anyway great job, you guys have found loads more than me, hopefully I'll find a pre dec soon. :)