Repairs and Modifications - Pinpointers / MD / Coffee Machines / IT

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Repairs + X-pointers
Site Sponsor
Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
4030, QLD

I have had 30 years in the IT and Electronics industry and as part of this new hobby; am happy to assist where ever I can.

If you have a question, just ask... If I can not help, then I may be able to at least provide some extra info.

MD Work:

1: Garret Pro Pointer repairs and enhancements.

2: Lead modifications

3: Some coil and MD repairs.

4: Deteknix X-pointer Sales and Support

Coffee Machines

1: Service

2: Repairs

3: Modifications - wooden handles etc


1: Data Recovery and many other repairs.

I look forward chatting and being able to pay it forward.


Mark W
[email protected]
Thanks " joao garimpeiro"

I am more a Jack of all trades and my life long drive has been about Blood Management and Quality (ISO 9001/ 9004 etc ISO/IEC 17025... In particular Cold Chain Management and calibration :)

And while some places such as Canada and WHO have taken a serious look at many of the points I have raised in papers etc....

Australia is still very much, in a place, focused on TBM (Tick Based Management) rather that putting actions into place.

Enough bitching from me...

But it is interesting how Calibration / Test Measurements / Indicators etc still get all messed up and or miss used, by not only the public but also, many so called professionals.

I need another coffee and the Quality is in the cup, not the set-up or the fancy machine.
Hi.AngerManagement. saw your ad on the detector forum.. I have a 1970's Aussie Fortunefind=
er 8000 by Linear Electronics.. hums when you switch it on but thats it.
Would you be interested in having a look at it for me.
Ummmm a bit long in the tooth (old) and could be any thing.

Also postage can be expensive.

Have a couple of little jobs on at the moment, but if you can get it to me. I can have a look and we can go from there.
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