yep I know, all manner of wrong...but it was fun!

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I can just see the YouTube kiddies copying that out in the bush in summer.


(Yeah you said it was rong already) :)
As teenagers, my mate and I used to make hydrogen gas and fill balloons, tie them to a long branch and place them over a small fire ... with the same result. Oh, and got a few singed eyebrows as well! :fire:
I have a mate who bought a farm, they were tidying out the shed with help from a family friend, they put rubbish into a steel drum, that night they lit it. His daughter was walking passed when an aerosol blew up that had been put in the bin, she lost an eye and had to have her nose stitched back on.
Not good. :mad:
We found a three quarter full 4.5 kg gas bottle once, at a tip on an aboriginal reserve. We had a .243 and it was night time and we were pretty young and sillier than now, so we thought I wonder what would happen if.. ?

Anyway, we put it on a rock. We thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if we lit a clump of spinifex nearby before shooting, same as you guys did with the fire, but decided not to.

Went back to the car and shone the headlights on it, we were probably 80 m away I guess. My mate took the shot and hit it dead centre. It didn't explode - it took off like a helicopter and went straight up, maybe 20 m or so, or more, shooting gas out the two holes and making a massive cloud probably 50 m in diameter. Looked impressive in the headlights. I am so glad we decided not to light the spinifex (google 'bleve'), but I just admit I have often wondered what would have happened if ...?
Just to clarify for the flaccid, the nancy's, the weak tea drinkers and the men in frocks who may sashay amongst us, what we did was perfectly safe which included trial runs without fire.

The patch of ground is bare dirt about the size of a football field with the nearest bush being a small patch of about 3 or 4 mulga about 20 metres away and from there on about 40 metres to the scrub.

15 metres from the fire is a well with a pump and 40 mm hose.
The can was placed in a wire cage pegged to the ground with only 1 opening that directed the flying can in the opposite direction to any bush.

The can was shot from 80 metres away firing in the direction of the back stop mound which can be seen in the background.

I hope this explanation makes the nightmares go away and helps alleviate your PTSD. :D

Cheers! :Y:
In a very specificate location a few years ago,

In an old town site,

I detected an old metal trunk.

When upon opening it,
I did the upside down trick with what I found.
(Barrelled backwards with huge expletive sorta show)

Black logs of a greasy nature in a tin.

Cannot leave it like that.

Built a pyramid over the top of it and lit the top.

Nothing but a blue flame.......

Went back later and in the bottom was a few burnt end's of pound note,s
and a few coins.

was it worth it,,

i agree wishfull ,black powder was fun in the day,i have no idea how my brother and i still have all our fingers and toes,making our own crackers and what not O:) :lol:
Went to the dump as a young fella with my mate and his Dad, his Dad says go find all the aerosol cans and put them in this cardboard box. Well.... his Dad puts the box with about 20 cans into the middle of a large tyre and gets us to put anything that'll burn pilled up around the outside of the tire..... then he lit it.... and then at a distance we waited. Well... that was personally the best dump made fun I've ever seen in all my life. Nothing compares with how they explode and fly.
After that I lit a fire at home with a 3/4 full tin of flyspray in the middle of a lot of cardboard, surrounded by a canebin wire cylinder for my safety.... I stood safely about 20 metres away lol. When it went off the flame was a beauty and the heat rising caused all the carcon from the burning cardboard to pull in and rise up in a freaking black mushroom cloud..... for a open to the road home explosion done by a pretty reckless young fella ! was glad that I never got hurt and that nobody was on the footpath at the time..... and guess what.... I never ever found that can, so either it ended up in someones yard or on their roof..... or.... I managed to dodge every bit of shrapnel that flew threw those 1&1/2 inch squares of mesh.
Still the luckiest bugger to walk the earth lol :p
Geez madtuna, for a moment there I thougt you had been botteling camel farts. Loosing your mind out there.
Me thinks that most of us at sometime have done this sort of thing, oxy acet mix in balloon and lighting. BIG bangs. Just part of lifes learning.
I stopped being a pyromaniac when I joined the RAAF. I got to play with the real stuff and couldn't get enough thrills with firecrackers or black powder. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

But you never know what might happen when we visit Steve this weekend.

